\n \n {{ $t(\"c.header1\") }}\n \n
\n\n\n \n {{ $t(\"c.header1_a\") }}\n \n
\n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n ![]() | \n \n \n Pay in 3 instalments of\n LKR 100,000\n | \n
\n {{ $t(\"c.header5_title1\") }}\n
\n \n\n {{ $t(\"c.header5_title1_a\") }}\n
\n \n\n {{ $t(\"c.header5_title2\") }}\n
\n \n\n {{ $t(\"c.header5_title2_a\") }}\n
\n \n\n {{ $t(\"c.header5_title3\") }}\n
\n \n\n {{ $t(\"c.header5_title3_a\") }}\n
\n \n\n {{ $t(\"c.header5_title4\") }}\n
\n \n\n {{ $t(\"c.header5_title4_a\") }}\n
\n \nView All
\nView All
\nView All
\nView All
\nView All
\nView All
\n\n Move to Top\n \n
\n\nDinnovation (Private) Limited (PV0225927), hereinafter sometimes referred to as “we",\n "us", “KOKO”, “Pay KOKO” or "Dinnovation" provide access to this\n KOKO__website_ (the "KOKO") to you subject to the conditions set out on this page. Please read these\n Terms and Conditions carefully before using KOKO.
\n This document is an electronic record in terms of Electronic Transactions Act. No 19 of 2006 and rules\n thereunder as applicable and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as\n amended by the Electronics Transactions Act No. 19 of 2006.
\n This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital\n signatures.
\n W These are the terms and conditions governing your access and use of KOKO along with its related sub-domains,\n sites, mobile app, payment system, services and tools (the "Site"). By using the Site, you hereby\n accept these terms and conditions (including the linked information herein) and represent that you agree to\n comply with these terms and conditions (the "User Agreement"). In addition, when you use any current\n or future KOKO’ services, you will also be subject to the terms, guidelines and conditions applicable to\n each KOKO service/s. ("Terms"). If these Conditions of Use are inconsistent with such Terms, the Terms\n will control. This User Agreement is deemed effective upon your use of the Site which signifies your acceptance\n of these terms. If you do not agree to be bound by this User Agreement please do not access, register with or\n use this Site.
\n We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms and Conditions at any time\n without any prior notification. Changes will be effective when posted on the Site with no other notice provided.\n Please check these Terms and Conditions regularly for updates. Your continued use of the Site following the\n posting of changes to Terms and Conditions of use constitutes your acceptance of those changes.
\n Under this User Agreement, KOKO will grant you access to and use of Site, which will give you the ability to\n purchase items and/or services from participating merchants (“Products”) through their e-commerce\n and /or offline Stores and make payment for such purchases via separate and equal instalments as determined by\n KOKO without interest through the system developed by us for the implementation and administration of an online\n instalment payment solution, which includes performing validation checks and assessments on consumers\n (“Services”). Participating merchants shall mean approved retailers or retail merchants that allow\n customers to purchase Products from their stores online or otherwise and make payment via instalments using the\n Site (“Participating Merchants”).\n
For the avoidance of doubt, the Site does not constitute a lending or credit facility and KOKO does not provide\n any credit to merchants or consumers.
\n Your Account
\n To access the Services offered by the Site, we require that you create an account with us or provide personal\n information to complete the creation of an account in order for you to manage your orders and repayment schedule\n (“Account”).
\n You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user identification, password, account details\n and related private information. You agree to accept this responsibility and ensure your Account and its related\n details are maintained securely at all times and all necessary steps are taken to prevent misuse of your\n Account. You should inform us immediately if you have any reason to believe that your password has become known\n to anyone else, or if the password is being, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorized manner. You agree and\n acknowledge that any use of the Site and related services offered and/or any access to private information, data\n or communications using your Account and password shall be deemed to be either performed by you. You agree to be\n bound by any access of the Site and/or use of Services offered by the Site (whether such access or use are\n authorized by you or not). You agree that we shall be entitled (but not obliged) to act upon, rely on or hold\n you solely responsible and liable in respect thereof as if the same were carried out or transmitted by you. You\n further agree and acknowledge that you shall be bound by and agree to fully indemnify us against any and all\n losses arising from the use of or access to the Site through your Account.\n
Please ensure that the details you provide us with are correct and complete at all times. You are obligated to\n update details about your Account in real time by accessing your Account online. For pieces of information you\n are not able to update by accessing your Account on the Site, you must inform us via our customer service\n communication channels to assist you with these changes. We may at any time in our sole and absolute discretion,\n request that you update your personal data or forthwith invalidate the Account or related details without giving\n any reason or prior notice and shall not be liable or responsible for any losses suffered by or caused by you or\n arising out of or in connection with or by reason of such request or invalidation. You hereby agree to change\n your password from time to time and to keep your Account secure and also shall be responsible for the\n confidentiality of your Account and liable for any disclosure or use (whether such use is authorized or not) of\n the username and/or password.
\n\nYou shall use the Site and your Account in accordance with the operating procedures as may be determined by us\n from time to time. You shall have only one Account.
\n\nWe shall be entitled to limit your access to your Account in the following ways:
\n Where you have failed to pay any Instalment(s) (defined below) by the scheduled due date and within any\n accompanying grace period (where applicable), we reserve the right to suspend you from making further orders and\n subsequently, where your debts to us have been referred to a third party debt collection agency, we will block\n access to your Account.
\n Where we have reasonable cause to suspect that you have been involved in any immoral, deceitful, fraudulent,\n and/ or unlawful act within the Site and where devices, email accounts and/or phone numbers are being used to\n perform an order or create an Account and such devices, email addresses and/or phone numbers are reasonably\n suspected by us to be involved in connection with any unlawful act within the Site we:
\n Reserve the right to conduct investigations, with internal and external third-parties, to determine the extent\n and impact of the suspected conduct;
\n Reserve the right to seek your cooperation and assistance in dealing with such activities, which you hereby\n covenant to comply with;
\n Reserve the right to request immediate payment from you for all outstanding debts only to us;
\n Reserve the right to suspend any Account associated with you until such time as such act is halted or restricted\n to our satisfaction;
\n Reserve the right to temporarily suspend or permanently block you from using or participating Site or its\n network of Participating Merchants;
\n Reserve the right,, at our sole discretion, to close any Account(s) whether associated with the suspected act or\n otherwise; and reserves the right to report such behavior to the relevant authorities.
\n You may close your Account at any time provided that:
\n You have paid in full all Instalments associated with your orders, and there are no outstanding debts owed by\n you to us that have been referred to a third party for collection and no suitable repayment plan as agreed by us\n is still ongoing;
\n You have paid all late payment charges imposed on you, or such late payment charge has been reversed (subject to\n our sole discretion);
\n There are no outstanding disputes between you and us or any Participating Merchant;
\n There are no outstanding refunds or reversals from a Participating Merchant that are still pending processing;\n and
\n You are not subject to any investigation regarding your orders, instalments or any other reason as reasonably\n determined by us.
\n We shall be entitled to close your Account:
\n Without your consent or prior notice, if we become aware that any Account associated with you is being used by a\n third party or has been compromised in any way whether as a result of your actions or inactions or\n otherwise;
\n If we consider that you are using the Site and its services inappropriately, illegally, or against the spirit of\n this User Agreement;
\n If you have not paid your outstanding debts to us and:
\n Your failure to pay persists despite we putting in place a suitable repayment plan;
\n Your outstanding debts have been referred to a third-party agency for collection; and such collection has been\n carried out with limited or no success.
\n In such case you shall not be able to open another Account with us for a period of three (3) years or any other\n period of time that is deemed appropriate by law or regulation, and we reserve the rights to:
\n Pursue any outstanding sums due and owing to us in connection with this User Agreement through third-parties and\n relevant legal means available to us;
\n Notify any credit reporting agency or bureau located in Sri Lanka or any agency or bureau that reports such\n credit reporting information to Sri Lankan companies, and identify any outstanding debts against your known\n details to us as at the date of termination of this User Agreement;
\n Should you fail to meet the eligibility requirements set out below on an ongoing basis, we reserve the right to\n suspend, block, withdraw, close or otherwise render inoperable your Account.\n
\n\nIn order to be eligible to receive the Services, you must:
\n\nBe a natural person and not a company, partnership or other commercial or noncommercial entity;
\n Be at least 18 years old of age;
\n Have a valid email address;
\n Have a mobile telephone number issued by a Sri Lankan telecommunications carrier;
\n Have a billing address and shipping address located in Sri Lanka; and
\n Own a valid credit card or debit card which you can use to make payments on the Site.
Your eligibility is assessed and determined upon each order you make, and we reserve the right to deny, suspend\n or terminate the provision of the Services to you in the manner prescribed above in the event that you fail to\n meet these eligibility requirements at any time, and you shall have no right of recourse or appeal against such\n decision.
\n Privacy
\n Please review our Privacy Policy , which also governs your visit to the Site. The personal information / data\n provided to us by you or your use of the Site will be treated as strictly confidential, in accordance with the\n Privacy Agreement and applicable laws and regulations. If you object to your information being transferred or\n used in the manner specified in the Privacy Agreement,you shall not be entitled to use the Site, or any of the\n services thereunder.\n
\n Continued Availability of the Site
\n We will do our utmost to ensure that access to the Site is consistently available and is uninterrupted and\n error-free. However, due to the nature of the Internet and the nature of the Site, this cannot be guaranteed.\n Additionally, your access to the Site may also be occasionally suspended or restricted to allow for repairs,\n maintenance, or the introduction of new facilities or services at any time without prior notice. We will attempt\n to limit the frequency and duration of any such suspension or restriction.
\n License to Access the Site
\n We grant you a non-transferable, revocable and non-exclusive license to use the Site, in accordance with the\n Terms and Conditions described herein. No person shall register as a member of the Site more than once. Any\n breach of these Terms and Conditions shall result in the immediate revocation of the license granted in this\n paragraph without notice to you.\n
Content provided on this Site is solely for informational purposes. Submissions or opinions expressed on this\n Site are those of the individual(s) posting such content and do not reflect our opinions in any way whatsoever.\n
\n\nWe grant you a limited license to access and make personal use of this Site, but not to download (excluding\n page caches) or modify the Site or any portion of it in any manner. This license does not include any resale or\n commercial use of this Site or its contents; any collection and; any derivative use of this Site or its\n contents; any downloading or copying of Account information for the benefit of another party; or any use of data\n mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools.
\n\nThis Site or any portion of it (including but not limited to any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other\n proprietary information) shall not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, distributed or\n otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without express written consent by us as shall be applicable.
\n\nYou shall not frame or use framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information\n (including images, text, page layout, or form) without our express written consent. You shall not use any meta\n tags or any other text utilizing our name or trademark without our express written consent, as applicable. Any\n unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by us to you for access to the Site with no prior\n notice. You shall not use our logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark as part of an external link for\n commercial or other purposes without our express written consent, as shall be applicable.
\n\nYou agree and undertake not to perform restricted activities listed within this section; undertaking these\n activities will result in an immediate cancellation of your Account, services, reviews, orders or any existing\n incomplete transaction with us and in severe cases may also result in legal action.
\n\n\n Refusal to comply with the Terms and Conditions described herein or any other guidelines and policies related to\n the use of the Site as available on the Site at all times.
\n Impersonate any person or entity or to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person\n or entity.
\n Use the Site for illegal purposes, on any purposes other than what is explicitly permitted under these Terms and\n Conditions.
\n Attempt to gain unauthorized access to or otherwise interfere or disrupt other computer systems or networks\n connected to the Platform or Services.
\n Interfere with another’s utilization and enjoyment of the Site.
\n Post, promote or transmit through the Site any prohibited materials as deemed illegal by the laws of Sri\n Lanka.
\n Post, promote or transmit through the Site any content or materials that promote hate speech, bigotry,\n discrimination, violence, pornography, or any other legally restricted/regulated matters.
\n Use or upload, in any way, any software or material that contains, or which you have reason to suspect that\n contains, viruses, damaging components, malicious code or harmful components which may impair or corrupt the\n Site’s data or damage or interfere with the operation of another Customer’s computer or mobile\n device or the Site and use the Site other than in conformance with the acceptable use policies of any connected\n computer networks, any applicable Internet standards and any other applicable laws.
\n Your Conduct
\n You shall not use the Site in any way that causes, or is likely to cause, the Site or access to it to be\n interrupted, damaged or impaired in any way. You must not engage in activities that could harm or potentially\n harm the Site, its employees, officers, representatives, stakeholders or any other party directly or indirectly\n associated with the Site or access to it to be interrupted, damaged or impaired in any way. You understand that\n you, and not us, are responsible for all electronic communications and content sent from your computer to us and\n you must use the Site for lawful purposes only. You are strictly prohibited from using the Site for;
\n Fraudulent purposes, or in connection with a criminal offense or other unlawful activity to send, use or reuse\n any material that does not belong to you; or is illegal, offensive (including but not limited to material that\n is sexually explicit content or which promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm), deceptive, misleading,\n abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libellous, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic or\n menacing; ethnically objectionable, disparaging or in breach of copyright, trademark, confidentiality, privacy\n or any other proprietary information or right; or is otherwise injurious to third parties; or in a manner that\n contravenes any anti-money laundering, know-your-customer and/or antiterrorism laws (“AML Laws”) or\n gambling; or is harmful to minors in any way; or impersonates another person; or threatens the unity, integrity,\n security or sovereignty of Sri Lanka or friendly relations with foreign States; or objectionable or otherwise\n unlawful in any manner whatsoever; or which consists of or contains software viruses, political campaigning,\n commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any "spam” Use the Site for illegal\n purposes.
\n To cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.
\n To purchase Products for third parties for the purposes of receiving further or additional payments from such\n third parties;
\n For any other purpose not intended by us.
\n Your Submission
\n Anything that you submit to the Site and/or provide to us, including but not limited to, questions, reviews,\n comments, and suggestions (collectively, "Submissions") will become our sole and exclusive property\n and shall not be returned to you. In addition to the rights applicable to any Submission, when you post comments\n or reviews to the Site, you also grant us the right to use the name that you submit, in connection with such\n review, comment, or other content. You shall not use a false e-mail address, pretend to be someone other than\n yourself or otherwise mislead us or third parties as to the origin of any Submissions. We may, but shall not be\n obligated to, remove or edit any Submissions without any notice or legal course applicable to us in this regard.\n
Claims Against Objectionable Content
\n If you believe that any content on the Site is illegal, offensive (including but not limited to material that is\n sexually explicit content or which promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm), deceptive, misleading,\n abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libellous, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic or\n menacing; ethnically objectionable, disparaging; or is otherwise injurious to third parties; or relates to or\n promotes money laundering or gambling; or is harmful to minors in any way; or impersonates another person; or\n threatens the unity, integrity, security or sovereignty of Sri Lanka or friendly relations with foreign States;\n or objectionable or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever; or which consists of or contains software\n viruses, (" objectionable content "), please notify us immediately by following by writing to us at\n legal@paykoko.com. We will make all practical endeavours to investigate and remove valid objectionable content\n complained about within a reasonable amount of time.\n
Please ensure to provide your name, address, contact information and as many relevant details of the claim\n including name of objectionable content party, instances of objection, proof of objection amongst others. Please\n note that providing incomplete details will render your claim invalid and unusable for legal purposes.
\n Claims Against Infringing Content
\n We respect the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been\n used in a way that gives rise to concerns of infringement, please write to us at legal@paykoko.com and we will\n make all reasonable efforts to address your concern within a reasonable amount of time. Please ensure to provide\n your name, address, contact information and as many relevant details of the claim including name of infringing\n party, instances of infringement, proof of infringement amongst others. Please note that providing incomplete\n details will render your claim invalid and unusable for legal purposes. In addition, providing false or\n misleading information shall be considered a legal offense and may be followed by legal proceedings, at our\n whole and sole discretion.\n
\n Trademarks and Copyrights
\n KOKO, KOKO Logo and other marks indicated on our Site are trademarks or registered trademarks in the relevant\n jurisdiction(s). Our graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts and service names are the trademarks\n or trade dress and shall not be used in connection with any product or service that does not belong to us or in\n any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits us.\n All other trademarks that appear on this Site are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be\n affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by us.\n
All intellectual property rights, whether registered or unregistered, in the Site, information content on the\n Site and all the website design, including, but not limited to text, graphics, software, photos, video, music,\n sound, and their selection and arrangement, and all software compilations, underlying source code and software\n shall remain our property. The entire contents of the Site also are protected by copyright, trade mark, service\n mark, patent or other proprietary rights and laws as under applicable laws and international conventions. All\n rights are reserved.
\n Disclaimer
\n We expressly disclaim any warranties or representations (express or implied) in respect of quality, suitability,\n accuracy, reliability, completeness, timeliness, performance, safety, merchantability, fitness for a particular\n purpose, or legality of the products listed or displayed or transacted or the content (including product or\n pricing information and/or specifications) on the Site. While we have taken precautions to avoid inaccuracies in\n content, this Site, all content, information, software, products, services and related graphics are provided as\n is, without warranty of any kind. We do not implicitly or explicitly support or endorse the sale or purchase of\n any products by the Participating Merchants. At no time shall any right, title or interest in the products sold\n by Participating Merchants vest with us nor shall we have any obligations or liabilities in respect of any of\n such transactions.
\n We provide content or material on the Site that is provided by Participating Merchants, third-parties and other\n internet-based resources. We use best endeavours to ensure that content or material is correct, accurate,\n reputable, of high-quality and up-to-date and we do not make any warranties or guarantees in relation to that\n content or the providers of that content. Where any inaccuracy has been brought to our attention, we will\n attempt to correct any inaccuracies within a reasonable time and where practicable to do so.
\n You acknowledge that you have not relied on any representation and/or warranty made by us which has not been\n expressly stated or referred to in this User Agreement.\n
\n Limitation of Liability
\n\nTo the extent permitted by applicable law, Dinnovation (including its related bodies corporate, directors,\n employees, officers, agents and representatives) and any third parties providing services for or on behalf of\n Dinnovation shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages\n (including without limitation loss of profits, loss of revenue and loss of data) arising out of or in connection\n with these Terms and Conditions and the Site. Dinnovation’s liability to you for any non-excludable\n damages shall not exceed the value of any orders that are to the subject matter of such claim, including any\n Fees or Charges defined under clause 3,1 below that have been applied by Dinnovation against you.
\n\nYou shall indemnify and hold harmless Dinnovation, its subsidiaries, affiliates and their respective officers,\n directors, shareholders, agents and employees, from any claim or demand, or actions including reasonable\n attorney's fees, made by any third party or penalty imposed due to or arising out of;
\n\nBreach of these Terms and Conditions, the User Agreement, or any document incorporated by reference, or your\n violation of any law, rules, regulations or the rights of a third party,
\n Your negligence or willful misconduct;
\n Inability to repay debts on orders made using your Account, whether such orders were created directly by you or\n as a result of your negligence or inability to keep your Account secure; or
\n Inability to repay debts on orders made using your Account due to a change in your financial circumstances\n subsequent to the making of such order,
\n Actions/inactions of the Participating Merchants or other service providers and specifically waiver any claims\n or demands that you may have in this behalf under any statute, contract or otherwise
\n Save to the extent that such claim and/or subsequent damages or where it could be reasonably expected to do so,\n failed to reasonable steps to mitigate the claim and/or subsequent damages arises as a result of willful default\n or gross negligence on the part of Dinnovation, its directors, employees, officers, agents and representatives\n and those of any member of the Dinnovation group.
Third Party Businesses
\n We may provide links to the websites of affiliated companies, certain other businesses and Participating\n Merchants. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating, and we do not warrant or endorse the offerings of\n any of these businesses or individuals, or the content of their websites. We do not assume any responsibility or\n liability for the actions, products, and content of any of these and any other third-parties. You should\n carefully review their privacy statements and related terms and conditions.
\n Communicating with us\n
When you visit the Site, or send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You will be\n required to provide a valid phone number while placing an order with us. We may communicate with you by email,\n SMS, phone call or by posting notices on the Site to the registered address or shipping or billing address (as\n the case may be) associated with your Account or by any other mode of communication we choose to employ. For\n contractual purposes, you consent to receive communications (including transactional, promotional and/or\n commercial messages), from us with respect to your use of the Site (and/or placement of your order) and agree to\n treat all modes of communication with the same importance.
\n All notices or other communications between the parties shall be given in writing and in the English\n language.
\n Losses
\n We will not be responsible for any business or personal losses (including but not limited to loss of profits,\n revenue, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill, or wasted expenditure) or any other indirect or\n consequential loss that is not reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when you commenced using the Site.
\n Amendments to Conditions or Alterations of Service and Related Promise
\n We reserve the right to make changes to the Site, its policies, these terms and conditions and any other\n publicly displayed condition or service promise at any time. You will be subject to the policies and terms and\n conditions in force at the time you used the Site unless any change to those policies or these conditions is\n required to be made by law or government authority (in which case it will apply to orders previously placed by\n you). If any of these conditions is deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will\n be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.
\n Events Beyond Our Control
\n We will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these conditions\n if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond our reasonable control. This condition does not\n affect your statutory rights.
\n Waiver
\n You acknowledge and recognize that we are a private commercial enterprise and reserve the right to conduct\n business to achieve our objectives in a manner we deem fit. You also acknowledge that if you breach the\n conditions stated on our Site and we take no action, we are still entitled to use our rights and remedies in any\n other situation where you breach these conditions.
\n Termination
\n In addition to any other legal or equitable remedies, we shall reserve the right to, without prior notice to\n you, immediately terminate the Terms and Conditions or revoke any or all of your rights granted under the Terms\n and Conditions. Upon any termination of this Agreement, you shall immediately cease all access to and use of the\n Site and we shall, in addition to any other legal or equitable remedies, immediately revoke all password(s) and\n Account identification issued to you and deny your access to and use of this Site in whole or in part. Any\n termination of this User Agreement shall not affect the respective rights and obligations (including without\n limitation, payment obligations) of the parties arising before the date of termination. You furthermore agree\n that the Site shall not be liable to you or to any other person as a result of any such suspension or\n termination. If you are dissatisfied with the Site or with any terms, conditions, rules, policies, guidelines,\n or practices in operating the Site, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Site.
\n Our Software
\n Our software includes any software (including any updates or upgrades to the software and any related\n documentation) that we make available to you from time to time for your use in connection with the Site (the\n "Software").\n
You shall use the software solely for purposes of enabling you to use and enjoy our services as permitted by\n the Terms and Conditions and any related applicable terms as available on the Site. You shall not incorporate\n any portion of the Software into your own programs or compile any portion of it in combination with your own\n programs, transfer it for use with another service, or sell, rent, lease, lend, loan, distribute or sub-license\n the Software or otherwise assign any rights to the Software in whole or in part. You shall not use the Software\n for any illegal purpose. We reserve the right to cease providing you service and terminate your right to use the\n Software at any time. Your rights to use the Software will automatically terminate without notice from us if you\n fail to comply with any of the Terms and Conditions listed here or across the Site. Additional third-party terms\n contained within the Site or distributed as such that are specifically identified in related documentation shall\n apply and shall govern the use of such software in the event of a conflict with these Terms and Conditions. All\n software used in any of our services is our property and/or our affiliates or its software suppliers and\n protected by the laws of Sri Lanka including but not limited to any other applicable copyright laws.
\n\nWhen you use the Site, you may also be using the services of one or more third parties, such as a wireless\n carrier or a mobile platform provider. Your use of these third party services shall be subject to separate\n policies, terms of use, and fees of these third parties.
\n\nAll Intellectual Property Rights in and related to the Site, its composite engineering, know-how and processes\n shall be and shall remain the exclusive property of Dinnovation.
\n You shall not, and you will not encourage, assist or authorize any other person to copy, modify, reverse\n engineer, decompile or disassemble, or otherwise tamper with our software whether in whole or in part, or create\n any derivative works from or of the Software.\n
In order to keep the Software up-to-date, we may offer automatic or manual updates at any time and without\n notice to you.
\n Governing Law and Jurisdiction
\n These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The Democratic Socialist\n Republic of Sri Lanka. You agree, as we do, to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Sri Lanka\n having jurisdiction over the place on which our Registered Office is situated at the time of institution of\n legal proceedings.
\n This section deals with conditions relating to the services on the Site.
\n Payment, fees and charges\n
All fees and charges (“Fees” and Charges”) associated with an order are maintained in the\n Schedule of these Terms and Conditions and we reserve the right to alter those Fees and Charges at our sole\n discretion, and will in such case amend these Terms and Conditions and publish the amended Terms and Conditions\n on the Site.
\n\nAny late payment charges incurred are calculated based on the value of the order created in the Site as a\n result of a successful transaction between you and a Participating Merchant using the Site to effect payment and\n are tabled in the Schedule to these Terms and Conditions as well as available on the Site.
\n\nIn the case of refunds and reversals, the late payment charges will be adjusted in the following manner:
\n In the case of a partial Refund, any late payment charges shall be calculated based on the revised Order Value\n Post-Refund;
\n In the case of a full Refund or a Reversal, we will remove any late payment charges applied against outstanding\n instalments for such Refunded or Reversed Order.
We reserve the right to remove, reverse, waive or void generally any late payment charge at its sole\n discretion.
\n\nPayment of outstanding debts owed by you to us may be:
\n\nMade automatically: we reserve the right to obtain monies from the payment method nominated by you (Nominated\n Payment Method), automatically to pay an instalment on the scheduled due date, and such monies will first be\n applied against that instalment and any surplus monies (if any) obtained by us will be applied against any other\n outstanding debts on your Account; or
\n\nMade manually: you shall make manual payments in respect of outstanding debts owed by you to us and which are\n not subject to automatic deduction from your Nominated Payment Method, and such manual payments will be applied\n in the following order of priority until the monies have all been used:
\n\nFirst, to any outstanding instalments;
\n Second, to any outstanding fees that shall be imposed by Dinnovation on you as a result of activities performed\n in association with your Account as requested by you.
\n Third, to any outstanding charges (excluding any Late Payment fees) that shall be imposed by Dinnovation on you\n as a result of your failure to comply with your obligations, including late payment charges., and
\n Last, to any outstanding late payment charges;
You may also make manual payments for future instalments which are yet to fall due, provided that you have no\n outstanding debts owed to us at that point in time, and such manual payments shall be applied against future\n instalments in the order that they would have become due. Any surplus monies will be refunded to your Nominated\n Payment Method.
\n\nWhere there are any surplus monies which exist as credits in your Account and you have no outstanding debts,\n you may request for a refund and we will endeavor to refund such monies to you as soon as practicable.
\n\nWe reserve the right to:
\n\nLimit the number of credit cards or debit cards used to pay your instalments within a period of time as may be\n determined by us in its sole discretion;
\n Limit the amount of manual payments that you shall make in respect of your Account and your orders;
\n Only accept any repayment on any order made after 21 days from the date of the creation of the relevant order\n and to reject all attempted repayments before such time;
\n Place any additional limitations on you, Participating Merchants, credit cards or debit cards, devices and\n Accounts as we may deem fit and reasonable to protect its financial exposure.
Disputes, reversal and refunds
\n\nIn the event of any dispute between the you and a Participating Merchant:
\n\nYou shall contact the Participating Merchant directly to file your dispute with them;
\n You should notify us of such ongoing disputes so that we are aware of the dispute and can take appropriate\n action.
\n If you are unable to resolve the dispute with the Participating Merchant, you shall raise the matter with us and\n we will use reasonable endeavours in good faith to (but shall not be obliged to) mediate and resolve such\n dispute, and in such case you acknowledge that we are not obliged to intervene and that the Participating\n Merchant is not obliged to follow our directions regarding such dispute; and
\n You acknowledge that notwithstanding an ongoing dispute, you remain liable to us for any outstanding debts\n related to the order in dispute.
In the event of a Refund:
\n\nIt is your duty to notify the Participating Merchant of any refund request and to comply with the Participating\n Merchant’s refund process and any other statutory requirements in relation to such refund process, and you\n and the Participating Merchant shall reach an agreement regarding the refund amount without our involvement and\n prior to the Participating Merchant lodging a refund request with us;
\n The Participating Merchant shall lodge such refund request with us within fourteen days (14) calendar days of\n the creation of the order and any refund request beyond this time must be expressly agreed between you and the\n Participating Merchant, and the Participating Merchant shall notify us within 24 hours of such agreement to\n refund;
\n Where a full refund is agreed as between you and the Participating Merchant, you shall return the disputed\n Product(s) (where applicable) to the Participating Merchant and the Participating Merchant shall acknowledge\n receipt of the disputed Product(s), upon which:
\n we will refund such amount that you have already paid in relation to the disputed order; and
\n Your Account will be updated to reflect the full refund.
Where a partial refund is agreed as between you and the Participating Merchant, you shall return the disputed\n Product(s) (where applicable) to the Participating Merchant and the Participating Merchant shall acknowledge\n receipt of the disputed Product(s), upon which:
\n We will prorate the instalments according to the revised order value taking into account the partial refund;
\n In respect of each instalment repayment already made, we will credit your Account with an amount equivalent to\n the difference between the original and pro-rated instalment;
\n Such credits may be used to pay the prorated instalments that become due and payable; and
\n Where such credits are insufficient, you will top up the outstanding balance; and
\n Where such credits exceed the outstanding debt such that additional credits remain after all pro-rated\n instalments have been repaid, we will refund the value of such additional credits to you; and
\n Your Account will be updated to reflect the partial refund.
For the avoidance of doubt, we are not obliged to contact or to seek a refund or reversal on your behalf or on\n the behalf of the Participating Merchant and we are not obliged to do anything until the Participating Merchant\n lodges a refund request.
\n\nUpon receipt of a reversal or refund request, we shall, within a reasonable time, process such request and pay\n such refund amount to our payment processor to be processed in line with the payment processor’s\n practices. In this regard, you acknowledge and agree that any refund amount due to be repaid to your nominated\n payment method is subject to handling methods outside our control and you shall not hold us responsible for any\n delays caused directly or indirectly by any financial institution or its agents associated with your nominated\n payment method.
\n\nTerms and Conditions – Adding a bank account on Koko through JustPay
\n\n\n All payments, fees and charges associated with your order placed through Koko shall be deducted from your bank\n account through the payment service \"JustPay\". Your use of \"JustPay\" is conditioned on your acceptance of and\n compliance with the Koko Standard User Terms and Conditions. By accessing or using this payment service you\n agree to accept and be bound by these Standard User Terms and Conditions.\n
\n\nYou shall be solely responsible for any matters relating to tax or additional fees arising from your use of the\n Site as per law, including but not limited to: tax determination; payment of any taxes or fees required by any\n governmental or regulatory authority; and payment of any fees or commission incurred in connection with any\n exchange of monies associated with any order;
\n Representations and warranties
\n We do not make any representation or warranty as to specifics (such as quality, value, saleability, etc) of the\n Products sold by Participating Merchants. We do not implicitly or explicitly support or endorse the sale or\n purchase of any Products from the Participating Merchants. We accept no liability for any errors or omissions,\n whether on behalf of itself or third parties.\n
We are not responsible for any non-performance or breach of any contract entered into between you and the\n Participating Merchants. We cannot and do not guarantee your actions or those of the Participating Merchants. We\n are not required to mediate or resolve any dispute or disagreement arising from transactions between you and any\n Participating Merchant.
\n\nWe do not have any obligations or liabilities in respect of any transaction between you and the Participating\n Merchants.
\n Consumer Status Tier
\n We may assign you, and/or other consumers with a Consumer Status Tier that a consumer is classified into as part\n of a tiered system within the Site, (“Consumer Status Tier”), which is determined in real-time based\n on various factors as we may determine from time to time in our sole discretion, and such Consumer Status Tier\n may influence which may influence, among other things, your Purchase Limit and any other entitled benefits\n relating to your use of the Services. Purchase Limit means the maximum amount of financial exposure or the\n number of concurrent Orders that you are allowed to accumulate for orders made using the Site. Such Purchase\n Limit may factor into account the Consumer Status Tier of the Consumer.\n
Validations, Checks and Risk Assessments
\n\nIn respect of any order, we shall reserve the right to conduct the following checks and assessments:
\n\nReal-time checks and validations on the Participating Merchant’s eligibility, exposure limit, product\n risk and other matters relating to Participating Merchants and the transaction; real-time checks and validations\n on your eligibility;
\n Real-time checks and validations your credentials, devices, relationships with our other consumers and other\n historical data;
\n Purchase Limit assessments based on your Consumer Status Tier, the Order Value, the risks associated with the\n Products in the order and your potential capability to repay the overall debt;
\n And where we are satisfied with the eligibility of both you and the Participating Merchant at the time of making\n the Order, we will create an order associated with you in our Site for the order value provided to us by the\n Participating Merchant.
Placement of Orders
\n\nEach time you make an order, these Terms and Conditions as they stand on the date of placement of the order,\n shall be applicable to such order.
\n For every order you make, you give unconditional and irrevocable consent for us to pay the corresponding order\n value to the Participating Merchant on your behalf, and you agree to pay your Instalments according to the\n repayment schedule.
Upon making of your order, we will advise you of the outcome of such order request:
\n Where the order request is unsuccessful, we will provide you with a reason for the failure and allow you to\n attempt the order again for a maximum number of tries within a period of time as we may determine in our sole\n discretion;
\n Where the order request is successful, we will provide you with your repayment schedule and an email receipt for\n your first Instalment paid (where applicable), and we will notify the Participating Merchant of the successful\n order to request that they fulfil your order.
Rejection or Cancellation of Orders
\n\nAll Orders placed are subject to our assessment and discretion and we reserve the right to reject or cancel an\n order where:
\n We have a reason to suspect, or becomes aware, that you may have or have materially breached these Terms and\n Conditions;
\n You fail to satisfy any of our validations, checks and assessments;
\n Requested by the Participating Merchant associated with the order, and in such case we are not responsible for\n such rejection or cancellation and you should reach out to the Participating Merchant should you have any\n queries relating to it;
\n You have exceeded or will exceed your Purchase Limit;
\n The Participating Merchant associated with the order has exceeded or will exceed its exposure limits;
\n We suspect or becomes aware of suspicious activity from you within our Site which may contravene applicable laws\n and/or regulations including, but not limited to, AML Laws; or
\n We suspect or becomes aware generally that the Participating Merchant and/or their systems have been or may have\n been compromised,
\n Where the Product from the cancelled Order has not been delivered to you, we will, on a best endeavours basis,\n refund the monies paid by you and associated with the cancelled Order to the same nominated payment method.
Instalment Repayments
\n\nYour repayment to us of the order value will be split into such number of separate and equal instalments over a\n specified period of time as shall be determined by us at our sole discretion (“Instalments”).
\n\nWhere the order value cannot be evenly split into such a number of equal Instalments as shall be determined by\n us at our sole discretion, we may adjust the Instalments accordingly and will ensure that the total amount due\n to be paid by you remains unchanged.
\n\nWe will generate a repayment schedule at our discretion and based on your Consumer Status Tier, outstanding\n debts (if any), and track record of previous Orders and Instalment Repayments (“Repayment\n schedule”), and depending on the Repayment Schedule generated, your first Instalment shall be due:
\n At the time of making the order; or
\n At such a later time after the order is made as may be determined by us at our sole discretion.
Where your first Instalment is due at the time of making the order and you are unable to pay the first\n Instalment (whether due to insufficient funds in your Nominated Payment Method, or the transaction is declined\n by the relevant financial institution, or a general failure of the online payment process), we may decline the\n order request.
\n\nWe will remind you in advance of each Instalment and their respective scheduled due dates via email. You\n undertake to ensure that your Nominated Payment Method has sufficient funds to pay the Instalments on their\n respective scheduled due dates.
\n\nIn the event that any Instalment Repayment is unsuccessful due to a failure to obtain funds from your Nominated\n Payment Method, we will advise you accordingly and grant you an immediate grace period to pay such Instalment\n through alternative payment methods nominated by you.
\n\nIf you are unable to pay your Instalments, you shall contact us via email at accounts@paykoko.com to discuss\n and put in place a suitable Repayment Plan.
\n\nIf you fail to pay an Instalment on the scheduled due date and within any accompanying grace period (where\n applicable), and you have not contacted us with respect to a suitable repayment plan, we may impose a late\n payment charge in accordance with the Schedule.
\n\nUpon successful payment of all Instalments relating to an order, we will advise you accordingly and notify you\n of any outstanding debts which you shall owe to us (as a result of late payment charges or otherwise).
\n\nIf you have any complaints regarding your Account, Instalment repayment calculations, outstanding debts, any of\n our staff or any other matter relating to us, please contact us at the details below to raise a formal\n complaint:
\n\nEmail: accounts@paykoko.com
\n Post: Dinnovation (Private) Limited, , 14 Sir Baron Jayatilaka Mawatha, Colombo 00100.
We aim to respond to you within 72 hours of receiving such complaint and to resolve the matter within fourteen\n (14) working days of receiving such complaint, failing which we will notify you of the reason(s) for such delay\n and if any further information or action is required from you, and you agree to provide us with all reasonable\n assistance, including providing any additional information requested of you, to resolve the matter.
\n\nFor the avoidance of doubt, we will not accept any complaints arising out of your incapacity to pay your\n Instalments.
\n\nAdditional acknowledgements
\n\nYou acknowledge that:
\n You are aware that you can access KOKO’s other policies online on the Site, and you have read, understood\n and agreed to these policies as we may publish from time to time;
\n We doe not keep version-controlled copies of these Terms and Conditions and other policies in a publicly\n accessible archive and you are expected to keep a copy of these documents should you wish to keep track of\n them;
\n We do not have any control over the Products offered by Participating Merchants and is not responsible or liable\n for the quality or delivery of these Products, and Participating Merchants remain responsible for fulfilling\n orders made by you in a timely manner and/or accepting any Refunds;
\n You are aware of your consumer rights under Sri Lanka law and that these rights extend to your purchase of\n Products from Participating Merchants, and nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to modify, exclude,\n restrict or deny any of your rights under Sri Lanka law;
\n We are not required to guarantee the identity of any Participating Merchant and/or their staff.
Transfer and assignment
\n\nYou shall not transfer or assign any of its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions without our\n prior written consent.
\n\nDinnovation may transfer, assign or novate these Terms and Conditions and any rights and obligations under\n these Terms and Conditions to a third party without your consent and/or notice.
\n\nYou acknowledge and agree that we reserve the right to, without your notice or consent, appoint and engage\n third party debt collection agencies to carry out and enforce any actions in relation to any outstanding debt\n owed by you to us.
\n Schedule
Order Creation Charges
\n Consumers shall bear the following costs associated with each Order made:
\n Fees: NIL
\n Charges: NIL
Rescheduling Charges
\n The following rescheduling charges will be applicable if you would like to change the due date of your payment\n schedule prior to the due date.
\n Charges: LKR 500
Late Payment Charges
\n The following Late Payment Charges of LKR 1,500 will be applicable if you fail to pay any Instalment(s) by their\n Scheduled Due Date and any accompanying grace period (where applicable).
\n Charges: LKR 1,500
Welcome to the Koko website (the \"Site\") operated by Dinnovation (Private) Limited (“we,” “us,” “our,” or “Dinnovation”). We provide this Privacy Policy to let our users, customers, marketing partners, affiliates, analytics, consultants, and service providers (hereinafter collectively and individually referred to as “you” or “your”) know our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information through the Site located at www.paykoko.com and the Koko mobile application (collectively the “Locations”), and the use of any of the services and/or features offered by us at the Locations (“Services”), and any other websites, features, applications, widgets or online services that are owned or controlled by us and that post a link to this Privacy Policy, as well as any information we collect offline in connection with the Services. It also describes the choices available to you regarding the use of, your access to, and how to update and correct your personal information. Note that we combine the information we collect from you from the Locations, through the Site generally, or offline.We respect your privacy and want to protect your personal information. To learn more, please read this Privacy Policy.
\n \nThis Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and (under certain conditions) disclose your personal information. This Privacy Policy also explains the steps we have taken to secure your personal information. Finally, this Privacy Policy explains your options regarding the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information. By visiting the Site directly or through another site, you accept the practices described in this Policy.
\n \nData protection is a matter of trust and your privacy is important to us. We shall therefore only use your name and other information which relates to you in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy. We will only collect information where it is necessary for us to do so and we will only collect information if it is relevant to our dealings with you.
\n \nWe will only keep your information for as long as we are either required to by law or as is relevant for the purposes for which it was collected.
\n \nYou can visit the Site and browse without having to provide personal details. During your visit to the Site you remain anonymous and at no time can we identify you unless you have an account on the Site and log on with your user name and password.
\n \nWe collects metadata about your Contacts, Calendar, Registered Accounts, Storage Information, and Installed Applications to better evaluate your loan application. The data is only accessed once and shared to our third party partner in order to calculate more accurate credit score and we may collect various pieces of information if you seek to obtain our services on the Site.
\n \nWe collect, store and process your data for processing your orders on the Site and any possible later claims, and to provide you with our services. We may collect personal information including, but not limited to, your title, name, gender, date of birth, email address, postal address, delivery address (if different), telephone number, mobile number, fax number, payment details, payment card details or bank account details. We may also collect data of your phone to provide a segmented risk profile and generate aggregated statistical information. To protect your identity, we remove all personal identifiers (if any) and pseudonymise such information. Any metadata processed in this way cannot be used to reproduce the original data collected.
\n \nWe use your data as part of our decision process to assess your creditworthiness to receive services from us. We may also use your data to assess your interest in receiving financial services through algorithms and mathematical modelling. The data collected is shared with selected providers of data analytics services. The service providers are CredoLab Pte Ltd. We use CredoLab service to assess your credit worthiness. CredoLab’s privacy policy is available for your review at https://www.credolab.com/privacy-policies/gdpr-privacy-policy. We will also use the information you provide to enable us to process your orders and to provide you with the services and information offered through our website and which you request. \t\t\n We collect data of your phone to provide a segmented risk profile and generate an aggregated statistical information. To protect your identity, we remove all personal identifiers (if any) and pseudonymise such information. Any metadata processed in this way cannot be used to reproduce the original data collected\n
\n \nHere are the examples of how our official third party vendor, credolab collects the metadata:
\n \nCredolab’s mobile technology may count the number of calendar events scheduled and their time stamp. Only this information is sent to credolab’s servers, NOT the underlying raw data.\n
While credolab’s mobile technology may scan and process your phone book contacts on your mobile device and may have the ability to send names and contact details to credolab’s servers, the names and contact details are NOT sent to credolab’s servers.\n
While credolab’s mobile technology may scan and process information about the list of applications installed on your mobile device, credolab will only collect data relating to the frequency of use of such applications but NOT the activities you engage on any such application.
Credolab’s mobile technology may count the number of registered accounts, including your social accounts. However, credolab will only NOT access the social media profiles and credolab will NOT analyze the information in the apps connected with them.
Credolab’s mobile technology may count the total time you spent to apply for a loan, the time you spent in the same position, how fast you scrolled application etc. While our credolab’s technology may scan and process such information, credolab do NOT read the content of what you type in the application form.
Further, we will use the information you provide to administer your account with us; verify and carry out financial transactions in relation to payments you make; audit the downloading of data from our website; improve the layout and/or content of the pages of our website and customize them for users; identify visitors on our website; carry out research on our users' demographics; send you information we think you may find useful or which you have requested from us, including information about our products and services, provided you have indicated that you have not objected to being contacted for these purposes. Subject to obtaining your consent we may contact you by email with details of other products and services. If you prefer not to receive any marketing communications from us, you can opt out at any time.
\n \nWe may pass your information on to other entities in our group and third-party payment providers or to any other person where necessary for the performance of its obligations under the Site terms and conditions. You must only submit to us the Site information which is accurate and not misleading and you must keep it up to date and inform us of changes.
\n \nYour order details may be stored with us but for security reasons cannot be retrieved directly by us. However, you may access this information by logging into your account on the Site. Here you can view the details of your orders that have been completed, those which are open and those which are shortly to be completed and administer your address details, bank details ( for refund purposes) and any newsletter to which you may have subscribed. You undertake to treat the personal access data confidentially and not make it available to unauthorized third parties. We cannot assume any liability for misuse of passwords unless this misuse is our fault.
\n \nOther uses of your Personal Information:
\n \nWe may use your personal information for opinion and market research. Your details are anonymous and will only be used for statistical purposes. You can choose to opt out of this at any time. Any answers to surveys or opinion polls we may ask you to complete will not be forwarded on to third parties. Disclosing your email address is only necessary if you would like to take part in competitions. We save the answers to our surveys separately from your email address.
\n \nWe may also send you other information about us, the Site, our other websites, our products, sales promotions, our newsletters, anything relating to other companies in our group or our business partners. If you would prefer not to receive any of this additional information as detailed in this paragraph (or any part of it) please click the 'unsubscribe' link in any email that we send to you. Within 7 working days (days which are neither (i) a Sunday, nor (ii) a public holiday anywhere in Sri Lanka) of receipt of your instruction we will cease to send you information as requested. If your instruction is unclear we will contact you for clarification.
\n \nWe may further anonymize data about users of the Site generally and use it for various purposes, including ascertaining the general location of the users and usage of certain aspects of the Site or a link contained in an email to those registered to receive them, and supplying that anonymized data to third parties such as publishers. However, that anonymized data will not be capable of identifying you personally.
\n \n \nCompetitions:
\n \nFor any competition we use the data to notify winners and advertise our offers. You can find more details where applicable in our participation terms for the respective competition.
\n \nThird Parties and Links:
\n \nWe may pass your details to other companies in our group. We may also pass your details to our agents and subcontractors to help us with any of our uses of your data set out in our Privacy Policy. For example, we may use third parties to assist us with delivering products to you, to help us to collect payments from you, to analyze data and to provide us with marketing or customer service assistance.
\n \nWe may exchange information with third parties for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction. We may transfer our databases containing your personal information if we sell our business or part of it. Other than as set out in this Privacy Policy, we shall NOT sell or disclose your personal data to third parties without obtaining your prior consent unless this is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or unless we are required to do so by law. The Site may contain advertising of third parties and links to other sites or frames of other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those third parties or other sites, nor for any third party to whom we transfer your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
\n \nThe acceptance of cookies is not a requirement for visiting the Site. However, we would like to point out that the use of the 'basket' functionality on the Site and ordering is only possible with the activation of cookies. Cookies are tiny text files which identify your computer to our server as a unique user when you visit certain pages on the Site and they are stored by your Internet browser on your computer's hard drive. Cookies can be used to recognize your Internet Protocol address, saving you time while you are on, or want to enter, the Site. We only use cookies for your convenience in using the Site (for example to remember who you are when you want to amend your shopping cart without having to re-enter your email address) and not for obtaining or using any other information about you (for example targeted advertising). Your browser can be set to not accept cookies, but this would restrict your use of the Site. Please accept our assurance that our use of cookies does not contain any personal or private details and are free from viruses. If you want to find out more information about cookies, go to http://www.allaboutcookies.org or to find out about removing them from your browser, go to http://www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies/index.html.
\n \nThis website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (\"Google\"). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
\n \n \n \nSECURITY
\n \nWe have in place appropriate technical and security measures to prevent unauthorized or unlawful access to or accidental loss of or destruction or damage to your information. When we collect data through the Site, we collect your personal details on a secure server. We use firewalls on our servers. Our security procedures mean that we may occasionally request proof of identity before we disclose personal information to you. You are responsible for protecting against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer.
\n \n \n \nYOUR RIGHTS
\n \nIf you are concerned about your data you have the right to request access to the personal data which we may hold or process about you. You have the right to require us to correct any inaccuracies in your data free of charge. At any stage you also have the right to ask us to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes.
\n \n \n\n 1\n | \n\n {{ $t(\"m.header3_title1\") }} \n {{ $t(\"m.header3_title1_a\") }}\n \n | \n
\n 2\n | \n\n {{ $t(\"m.header3_title2\") }} \n {{ $t(\"m.header3_title2_a\") }}\n \n | \n
\n 3\n | \n\n {{ $t(\"m.header3_title3\") }} \n {{ $t(\"m.header3_title3_a\") }} \n | \n
\n 4\n | \n\n {{ $t(\"m.header3_title4\") }} \n {{ $t(\"m.header3_title4_a\") }}\n \n | \n
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\n \nWelcome to the Koko website (the \"Site\") operated by Dinnovation (Private) Limited (“we,” “us,” “our,” or “Dinnovation”). We provide this Privacy Policy to let our users, customers, marketing partners, affiliates, analytics, consultants, and service providers (hereinafter collectively and individually referred to as “you” or “your”) know our policies and procedures regarding the collection, use and disclosure of information through the Site located at www.paykoko.com and the Koko mobile application (collectively the “Locations”), and the use of any of the services and/or features offered by us at the Locations (“Services”), and any other websites, features, applications, widgets or online services that are owned or controlled by us and that post a link to this Privacy Policy, as well as any information we collect offline in connection with the Services. It also describes the choices available to you regarding the use of, your access to, and how to update and correct your personal information. Note that we combine the information we collect from you from the Locations, through the Site generally, or offline.We respect your privacy and want to protect your personal information. To learn more, please read this Privacy Policy.
\n \nThis Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and (under certain conditions) disclose your personal information. This Privacy Policy also explains the steps we have taken to secure your personal information. Finally, this Privacy Policy explains your options regarding the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information. By visiting the Site directly or through another site, you accept the practices described in this Policy.
\n \nData protection is a matter of trust and your privacy is important to us. We shall therefore only use your name and other information which relates to you in the manner set out in this Privacy Policy. We will only collect information where it is necessary for us to do so and we will only collect information if it is relevant to our dealings with you.
\n \nWe will only keep your information for as long as we are either required to by law or as is relevant for the purposes for which it was collected.
\n \nYou can visit the Site and browse without having to provide personal details. During your visit to the Site you remain anonymous and at no time can we identify you unless you have an account on the Site and log on with your user name and password.
\n \nWe collects metadata about your Contacts, Calendar, Registered Accounts, Storage Information, and Installed Applications to better evaluate your loan application. The data is only accessed once and shared to our third party partner in order to calculate more accurate credit score and we may collect various pieces of information if you seek to obtain our services on the Site.
\n \nWe may collect various pieces of information if you seek to obtain our services on the Site.
\n \nWe collect, store and process your data for processing your orders on the Site and any possible later claims, and to provide you with our services. We may collect personal information including, but not limited to, your title, name, gender, date of birth, email address, postal address, delivery address (if different), telephone number, mobile number, fax number, payment details, payment card details or bank account details. We may also collect data of your phone to provide a segmented risk profile and generate aggregated statistical information. To protect your identity, we remove all personal identifiers (if any) and pseudonymise such information. Any metadata processed in this way cannot be used to reproduce the original data collected.
\n \nWe use your data as part of our decision process to assess your creditworthiness to receive services from us. We may also use your data to assess your interest in receiving financial services through algorithms and mathematical modelling. The data collected is shared with selected providers of data analytics services. The service providers are CredoLab Pte Ltd. We use CredoLab service to assess your credit worthiness. CredoLab’s privacy policy is available for your review at https://www.credolab.com/privacy-policies/gdpr-privacy-policy. We will also use the information you provide to enable us to process your orders and to provide you with the services and information offered through our website and which you request. \t\t\n We collect data of your phone to provide a segmented risk profile and generate an aggregated statistical information. To protect your identity, we remove all personal identifiers (if any) and pseudonymise such information. Any metadata processed in this way cannot be used to reproduce the original data collected\n
\n \nHere are the examples of how our official third party vendor, credolab collects the metadata:
\n \nCredolab’s mobile technology may count the number of calendar events scheduled and their time stamp. Only this information is sent to credolab’s servers, NOT the underlying raw data.\n
While credolab’s mobile technology may scan and process your phone book contacts on your mobile device and may have the ability to send names and contact details to credolab’s servers, the names and contact details are NOT sent to credolab’s servers.\n
While credolab’s mobile technology may scan and process information about the list of applications installed on your mobile device, credolab will only collect data relating to the frequency of use of such applications but NOT the activities you engage on any such application.
Credolab’s mobile technology may count the number of registered accounts, including your social accounts. However, credolab will only NOT access the social media profiles and credolab will NOT analyze the information in the apps connected with them.
Credolab’s mobile technology may count the total time you spent to apply for a loan, the time you spent in the same position, how fast you scrolled application etc. While our credolab’s technology may scan and process such information, credolab do NOT read the content of what you type in the application form.
Further, we will use the information you provide to administer your account with us; verify and carry out financial transactions in relation to payments you make; audit the downloading of data from our website; improve the layout and/or content of the pages of our website and customize them for users; identify visitors on our website; carry out research on our users' demographics; send you information we think you may find useful or which you have requested from us, including information about our products and services, provided you have indicated that you have not objected to being contacted for these purposes. Subject to obtaining your consent we may contact you by email with details of other products and services. If you prefer not to receive any marketing communications from us, you can opt out at any time.
\n \nWe may pass your information on to other entities in our group and third-party payment providers or to any other person where necessary for the performance of its obligations under the Site terms and conditions. You must only submit to us the Site information which is accurate and not misleading and you must keep it up to date and inform us of changes.
\n \nYour order details may be stored with us but for security reasons cannot be retrieved directly by us. However, you may access this information by logging into your account on the Site. Here you can view the details of your orders that have been completed, those which are open and those which are shortly to be completed and administer your address details, bank details ( for refund purposes) and any newsletter to which you may have subscribed. You undertake to treat the personal access data confidentially and not make it available to unauthorized third parties. We cannot assume any liability for misuse of passwords unless this misuse is our fault.
\n \nOther uses of your Personal Information:
\n \nWe may use your personal information for opinion and market research. Your details are anonymous and will only be used for statistical purposes. You can choose to opt out of this at any time. Any answers to surveys or opinion polls we may ask you to complete will not be forwarded on to third parties. Disclosing your email address is only necessary if you would like to take part in competitions. We save the answers to our surveys separately from your email address.
\n \nWe may also send you other information about us, the Site, our other websites, our products, sales promotions, our newsletters, anything relating to other companies in our group or our business partners. If you would prefer not to receive any of this additional information as detailed in this paragraph (or any part of it) please click the 'unsubscribe' link in any email that we send to you. Within 7 working days (days which are neither (i) a Sunday, nor (ii) a public holiday anywhere in Sri Lanka) of receipt of your instruction we will cease to send you information as requested. If your instruction is unclear we will contact you for clarification.
\n \nWe may further anonymize data about users of the Site generally and use it for various purposes, including ascertaining the general location of the users and usage of certain aspects of the Site or a link contained in an email to those registered to receive them, and supplying that anonymized data to third parties such as publishers. However, that anonymized data will not be capable of identifying you personally.
\n \n \nCompetitions:
\n \nFor any competition we use the data to notify winners and advertise our offers. You can find more details where applicable in our participation terms for the respective competition.
\n \nThird Parties and Links:
\n \nWe may pass your details to other companies in our group. We may also pass your details to our agents and subcontractors to help us with any of our uses of your data set out in our Privacy Policy. For example, we may use third parties to assist us with delivering products to you, to help us to collect payments from you, to analyze data and to provide us with marketing or customer service assistance.
\n \nWe may exchange information with third parties for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction. We may transfer our databases containing your personal information if we sell our business or part of it. Other than as set out in this Privacy Policy, we shall NOT sell or disclose your personal data to third parties without obtaining your prior consent unless this is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy or unless we are required to do so by law. The Site may contain advertising of third parties and links to other sites or frames of other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of those third parties or other sites, nor for any third party to whom we transfer your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
\n \nThe acceptance of cookies is not a requirement for visiting the Site. However, we would like to point out that the use of the 'basket' functionality on the Site and ordering is only possible with the activation of cookies. Cookies are tiny text files which identify your computer to our server as a unique user when you visit certain pages on the Site and they are stored by your Internet browser on your computer's hard drive. Cookies can be used to recognize your Internet Protocol address, saving you time while you are on, or want to enter, the Site. We only use cookies for your convenience in using the Site (for example to remember who you are when you want to amend your shopping cart without having to re-enter your email address) and not for obtaining or using any other information about you (for example targeted advertising). Your browser can be set to not accept cookies, but this would restrict your use of the Site. Please accept our assurance that our use of cookies does not contain any personal or private details and are free from viruses. If you want to find out more information about cookies, go to http://www.allaboutcookies.org or to find out about removing them from your browser, go to http://www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies/index.html.
\n \nThis website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (\"Google\"). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.
\n \n \n \nSECURITY
\n \nWe have in place appropriate technical and security measures to prevent unauthorized or unlawful access to or accidental loss of or destruction or damage to your information. When we collect data through the Site, we collect your personal details on a secure server. We use firewalls on our servers. Our security procedures mean that we may occasionally request proof of identity before we disclose personal information to you. You are responsible for protecting against unauthorized access to your password and to your computer.
\n \n \n \nYOUR RIGHTS
\n \nIf you are concerned about your data you have the right to request access to the personal data which we may hold or process about you. You have the right to require us to correct any inaccuracies in your data free of charge. At any stage you also have the right to ask us to stop using your personal data for direct marketing purposes.
\n\n \n\n This Merchant Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into by and between\n Dinnovation (Private) Limited, a private limited company established under\n the laws of Sri Lanka, bearing company registration No. PV 00225927. having\n its office at No 14, Sri Baron Jayathilake Mawatha, Colombo 01 (hereinafter\n referred to as “the Company”); and the Merchant listed in “Merchant\n Registration Form” attached.\n
\n\n The Company and the Seller shall sometimes individually be referred to as\n the “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.\n
\n\n The Merchant desires to obtain certain services offered by the Company and\n access to and use the system developed by the Company for the\n implementation and administration of an online installment payment solution\n including subdomains, sites, mobile app, payment system, services and tools\n (“the Platform”) which will give the Merchant the ability to offer\n customers registered with the Company’s Platform (“Customers”) the option\n to purchase products and services offered for sale by the Merchant\n (“Products”), in installments from the Merchant’ store online or physical\n (“Merchant’s Store”) hereinafter referred to as “Services”. For the\n avoidance of doubt, the Company’s Platform does not constitute a lending or\n credit facility and the Company does not provide any credits to Merchants\n or Customers.\n
\n\n The Merchant agrees to submit a Merchant Application Form correctly and\n completely filled in together with supporting documents required by the\n Company on the date hereof for the Company’s consideration. The applicant\n shall be entitled to use the Services only upon obtaining the Company’s\n permission.\n
\n\n In order to be eligible to receive Services, the Merchant must;\n
\n\n carry on a legitimate business in Sri Lanka\n
\n\n have a place of business in Sri Lanka\n
\n\n provide the contact details of an authorized representative who\n has the authority to make business decisions from time to time\n related to the Services\n
\n\n have a bank account of the Merchant where the Company can\n deposit the monies due and payable from the Company to the\n Merchant (Merchant’s Bank Account”)\n
\n\n completion of the know-your-customer process undertaken by the\n Company as part of Company’s due diligence to verify the\n business details, ownership structure, and general viability\n and other details of the Merchant “KYC Process” as set forth in\n Clause 4 hereof.\n
\n\n The Company reserves the right to deny, suspend or terminate the\n provision of the Services to the Merchant in the event the Merchant\n fails to meet the eligibility requirements set out in Clause 3.1\n above at any point in time, and the Merchant shall have no right to\n appeal against such decision.\n
\n\n Upon signing of the Merchant Registration Form and this\n Agreement, the Merchant shall, as soon as possible and prior to\n the Merchant’s acceptance of any Orders, complete the KYC\n Process which entail;\n
\n\n the Merchant submitting relevant business information for\n the Company’s review and acceptance;\n
\n\n any other step the Company may at its sole discretion\n require from time to time.\n
\n\n Notwithstanding the Clause 4.1.1 above, the Company may at its\n sole discretion initiate the KYC Process prior to the signing\n of the Merchant Registration Form and this Agreement.\n
\n\n The Company will create an operating account with the Company’s\n Platform (“Merchant Account”) in order for the Merchant to\n manage its operation with the Company, including but not\n limited to managing its Orders, Refunds, Reversals, and\n Settlements as morefully described herein below.\n
\n\n The Merchant will be notified upon creation of the Merchant\n Account and will be required to set a password for the Merchant\n Account. The Merchant remains solely responsible for the safety\n of such a password.\n
\n\n Where the Company has reasonable cause to suspect that the\n Merchant has been involved in any illegal act within the\n Platform and where devices, email accounts and/or phone numbers\n are being used to perform an order or create a Merchant Account\n and such devices, email addresses and/or phone numbers are\n reasonably suspected by us to be involved in connection with\n any illegal act within the Platform or otherwise we:\n
\n\n reserves the right to conduct investigations, with internal\n and external third-parties, to determine the extent and\n impact of the suspected conduct;\n
\n\n may seek your cooperation and assistance in dealing with\n such activities;\n
\n\n may request immediate payment from you for all outstanding\n payables to us;\n
\n\n reserves the right to suspend any Merchant Account\n associated with you until such act is halted or restricted\n to our satisfaction;\n
\n\n reserves the right to temporarily suspend or permanently\n block you from using or participating Site or its network;\n
\n\n may, at its sole discretion, close any Merchant Account(s)\n whether associated with the suspected illegal act or\n otherwise; and\n
\n\n reserves the right to report such behavior to the relevant\n authorities.\n
\n\n The Company may close Merchant Account:\n
\n\n without Merchant’s consent or prior notice, if the Company\n become aware that any Merchant Account associated with the\n Merchant is being used by a third party or has been\n compromised in any way whether as a result of your actions\n or inactions or otherwise;\n
\n\n if the Company consider that the Merchant is using the\n Platform and its services inappropriately, illegally, or in\n any other way or for any other purpose other then what has\n been expressly permitted under this Agreement;\n
\n\n if Merchant has not paid outstanding payables to the\n Company and:\n
\n\n if the Merchant fails to meet the eligibility requirements\n set out in Clause 3 hereof on an ongoing basis, the Company\n may suspend, block, withdraw, close or otherwise render\n inoperable the Merchant Account.\n
\n\n The amount of financial exposure that the Merchant is allowed\n to accumulate in the Platform will be determined during the KYC\n Process as per Clause 4 herein above (“Merchant Exposure\n Limit”).\n
\n\n Where Orders placed within a certain period exceed the Merchant\n Exposure Limit, the Company reserves the right to suspend any\n further Orders being submitted in the Platform until the time\n period has lapsed and the Merchant Exposure Limit is refreshed.\n
\n\n In the event the Orders are suspended due to the Merchant\n Exposure Limit being exceeded, the Company will;\n
\n\n Inform the designated contact person within 4 hours;\n
\n\n Review the order placement activity that resulted in the\n Merchant Exposure Limit being exceeded; and\n
\n\n Work with the Merchant to resolve the limitations\n
\n\n The Company will conduct the following verifications for each Order;\n
\n\n where the Company is satisfied of the eligibility of both the\n Merchant and the Customer at the time of the Order, Order will be\n captured in the Platform upon real-time checks and validations;\n
\n\n on the Merchant’s eligibility, Merchant’s Exposure Limit, the\n Order value, product risk which will be determined based on\n metrics adopted by the Company from time to time to a Product\n or a category of Product and overall risk in general for all\n transaction;\n
\n\n on Customer’s credentials, devices, relationship with other\n Customer/s and historical data;\n
\n\n The Company reserve the right to reject or cancel any order where;\n
\n\n The Company has a reason to suspect or become aware that the\n Merchant has breached the terms of this Agreement;\n
\n\n The Merchant fails to satisfy validations, checks and\n assessments as per Clause 7.1.1;\n
\n\n The Company suspects or become aware of a suspicious activity\n within the Platform by which may contravene applicable laws and\n regulations;\n
\n\n The Company suspects that the Merchant’s systems have been\n compromised;\n
\n\n Upon placement of an Order by a Customer, the Company shall\n advice the Merchant of the outcome of such Order request:\n
\n\n Where the Order is unsuccessful, the Company will inform\n the Customer and the Merchant with a reason for\n non-acceptance and may provide the Customer a further\n number of attempts to try as may be determined by the\n Company from time to time; and\n
\n\n Where the Order request is successful, the Company will;\n
\n\n Inform the Merchant and provide records of same; and\n
\n\n Pay the order value to the Merchant in terms of Payment\n and Merchant’s Fee Clause\n
\n\n The Merchant shall:\n
\n\n Use the Platform in accordance with the operating procedure\n determined by the Company from time to time;\n
\n\n Comply with data protection standards as applicable and / or\n determined by the Company\n
\n\n Keep the contact and other information updated\n
\n\n Immediately inform of;\n
\n\n The change of business address\n
\n\n Any change to the Merchant’s ownership, management and\n directorship\n
\n\n Change to the type of products/ services offered by the\n Merchant\n
\n\n Change of name of the Merchant\n
\n\n Any change to the Merchant’s financial status including any\n insolvency, liquidation etc;\n
\n\n Any other material change relation to the Merchant business and\n activities\n
\n\n Use and display the promotional materials and/or logo as approved\n by the Company prominent exterior and interior locations as\n appropriate within the physical store/s and on each page of the\n e-commerce site, where applicable\n
\n\n Be solely responsible for fulfilling all Customer orders, Refunds\n and Reversals and the quality of the Products including but not\n limited to any and all warranties\n
\n\n Treat Orders placed by Customers using the Platform in the same\n manner as those placed via any other payment methods\n
\n\n Not charge any additional cost, charges of fee from the Customer or\n add to the Customer’ bill when the Customer opt to pay the Merchant\n using the Company’s Services\n
\n\n Be solely responsible to inform the Customers of the ability or\n inability to perform the Order within expected timeframe\n
\n\n At the time of each order provide all information in a manner and\n format as determined by the Company from time to time enabling the\n Company to process the Order and perform its obligation hereunder\n
\n\n Be solely responsible for any matters relating to tax or additional\n fee arising from its use of the Platform including but not limited\n to;\n
\n\n Tax determinations\n
\n\n Any fee to be paid to government or regulatory authority\n
\n\n Be responsible for its Merchant Account its use and ongoing\n security and shall not permit any unauthorized person or other\n entity to access the Merchant’s account\n
\n\n Allow access to conduct audits and reviews at the Merchant’ Store\n as may be reasonably required by the Company or by third party\n payment providers for the performance of this agreement or as may\n be required by law\n
\n\n To corporate with the Company in the event of any investigation\n performed by the Company, any third party or legal authority in\n relation to any order, payment or matter related to the Merchant’s\n Account\n
\n\n The Company shall use commercially reasonable endeavors to\n support the modules and APIs that Marchant may use to connect\n to the Platform.\n
\n\n Notwithstanding the Clause 10.1 above the Company reserves the\n right to modify the modules, APIs and the payment system at its\n sole discretion and will use its best endeavors to notify the\n Merchant of such modifications in order to allow the Merchant\n sufficient time to;\n
\n\n Alter the Merchant’s systems to support the modifications\n
\n\n Implement alternative modules or APIs that will provide the\n capability to process Orders on the Platform; or\n
\n\n Terminate its use of the Platform\n
\n\n The Company is entitled to the service fee for performance of\n obligations hereunder according to the rate and payment method\n specified in the Merchant Application Form (“Merchant’s Fee”).\n
\n\n During the period of this Agreement, the Company reserves the\n right to amend the rate of Merchant’s Fees and any other fees\n as applicable by giving at least thirty (30) days advance\n notice to the Merchant and such notice shall be deemed an\n integral part of this agreement.\n
\n\n The Company shall transfer the payment being the value of the\n transactions made by Customers on the Merchant’ Store for\n Products to be transferred to the Merchant by the Company,\n less, subject to its right of set-off under this agreement to\n the Merchant’s Bank Account (“Settlement”).\n
\n\n The payments will be made to the Merchant via online transfer\n or such other manner opted by the Company at its discretion on\n a two weekly basis to the Merchant’s Bank Account.\n
\n\n The Company shall within time intervals be determined at the\n Company’s sole discretion, issue statements consolidating and\n detailing all accrued and unpaid Settlement amounts as at the\n date of such statement (“Payment Statements”).\n
\n\n The Merchant agrees that the Company shall not be liable for\n any failure to make payments arising due to incomplete or\n inaccurate information provided by the Merchant with regards to\n its Bank Account.\n
\n\n For the avoidance of doubt, any delay in the payment of any\n Installment (s) by any Customer shall not affect the Company’s\n payment obligation to the Merchant.\n
\n\n Where the Merchant requests a Reversal or Refund for a Customer\n in terms of Clause 12 hereof and the Products have not been\n delivered to the Customer, the Merchant may still incur charges\n and fees in using the Company’s Payment System.\n
\n\n Where there are any moneys owed by the Merchant to the Company\n for transaction occurring in the Company’s Payment System which\n cannot be set off against the moneys to be paid by the Company\n to the Merchant, the Merchant agrees to pay the Company at such\n time and in such manner that the Company may in its sole\n discretion require.\n
\n\n The Company shall be entitled to deduct or withhold from\n payments to be made to the Merchant under this agreement any\n duties, taxes or other amounts required to be deducted or\n withheld under any law applicable in Sri Lanka and to remit the\n same to the taxing authority of any jurisdiction relevant to\n the transaction.\n
\n\n The Merchant shall be responsible for payment of all customs\n duties, sales tax, excise tax, value-added tax and any other\n duties, excess, fees or charges of whatsoever nature which may\n be imposed by governing authorities of any jurisdiction\n applicable in connection with sale or supply of its Products\n and their purchase by Customers. It is clarified that the\n Merchant shall be solely responsible for the payment of any\n sales tax on the sale of the Products to the Customer through\n the Site and the Company shall have no liability in this\n regard.\n
\n\n Disputes\n
\n\n In the event of any dispute between the Merchant and a Customer;\n
\n\n the Merchant acknowledges that it is solely responsible for dealing\n with all disputes, complaints, concerns and other issues from any\n Customer in relation to any Order placed with the Merchant;\n
\n\n the Merchant shall release the Company (and its agents and\n employees) from claims, demands, and damages (actual and\n consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown,\n suspected and unsuspected, disclosed and undisclosed, arising out\n of or in any way connected with such disputes.\n
\n\n where the Merchant has not resolved any dispute to the satisfaction\n of the Customer and the Customer raises the dispute with the\n Company, the Merchant agrees to use best endeavors to review and\n resolve the dispute;\n
\n\n Notwithstanding an ongoing dispute, the Merchant remains liable to\n the Company for any outstanding debts related to the Order in\n dispute.\n
\n\n Reversals\n
\n\n In the event of a reversal:\n
\n\n the Merchant shall notify the Company that it is unable to fulfil\n the Customer’s order captured in the Platform as a result of a\n successful transaction between a Customer and the Merchant using\n the Company’s payment System to effect the payment (“Customer’s\n Order”) and lodge a request (“Reversal Request”) with the Company\n within four (04) hours of the Customer’s Order being captured in\n the Company’s Payment System or, if the Reversal Request is not\n lodged within this stipulated time, the Merchant may lodge a\n request for a full refund;\n
\n\n The Company will reverse the value of Customer Order (“Revered\n Order”) in full and the Merchant will not be required to issue the\n Products in the Reversed Order to the Customer.\n
\n\n The Reversal will be reflected in the Merchant’ Account.\n
\n\n Refunds\n
\n\n In the event of a Refund:\n
\n\n Refunds of the Products shall be subject to Merchant’s applicable\n return and refund policy and any other statutory requirements as\n applicable in relation to such Products and the Company shall not\n bear any responsibility in respect thereof;\n
\n\n Merchant shall lodge a request within sixty (60) days of the Order\n being captured in the Company’s Platform (“Refund Request”) and any\n Refund request beyond this time must be expressly agreed between\n the Merchant and the Customer and the Merchant shall notify the\n Company within 24 hours of such agreement to refund.\n
\n\n Where a refund (full or partial) is agreed between the Merchant and\n the Customer, the Merchant shall request to return the disputed\n Product(s) (where applicable) to the Merchant. Upon return of such\n Products, Merchant shall acknowledge same and notify the Company in\n writing to process the refund, upon which;\n
\n\n The Company will refund the amount already paid by the Customer in\n full or the agreed amount as the case may be; and\n
\n\n The Merchant Account will be updated to reflect the full Refund and\n the adjusted balance.\n
\n\n Upon receipt of a Refund Request, the Company shall within a\n reasonable time, process such request and pay such refund amount to\n the Company’s payment processor to be processed in line with\n payment processor’s practices. In this regard, the Merchant\n acknowledges that any refund amount due to be refunded into the\n Customer or the Merchant is subject to handling methods outside the\n Company’s control and the Merchant shall not hold the Company\n liable for any delays.\n
\n\n The Merchant acknowledges that the company may impose Merchant Fees\n and / or Merchant Processing Fees on any Refund or Reversals and\n the same will be reflected in the Payment Statement\n
\n\n The Merchant warrants and represents to the Company that:\n
\n\n It is a Company duly incorporated, validly existing, and in\n good standing under the laws of Sri Lanka.\n
\n\n It is competent to enter into this Agreement and its entry\n into this Agreement and the performance thereof have been\n duly authorized by all necessary corporate action and\n constitutes a valid and binding agreement of the Merchant,\n enforceable against the Merchant in accordance with the\n terms thereof.\n
\n\n All information, including but not limited to all\n information furnished to the Company is accurate and\n up-to-date.\n
\n\n All formal consents, waivers, approvals, authorizations,\n exemptions, registrations, licenses or declarations of or\n by or filing with, any authority or contracting party which\n are required to be made or obtained by the Merchant to\n conduct its business generally and the performance of the\n obligations hereunder, have been made or duly obtained.\n
\n\n The entry, delivery and performance of this Agreement by\n the Merchant will not violate or conflict in any material\n respect with any law applicable in Sri Lanka.\n
\n\n It will at all times meet the eligibility requirements\n specified in Clause 3.\n
\n\n It will, at all times comply with data security standards\n and such other industry standards related to use of the\n Company's Platform that applies and / or as may be\n reasonably requested\n
\n\n by the Company from time to time.\n
\n\n It has control over the Products and shall ensure that the\n quality of the Product is maintained throughout the\n Agreement.\n
\n\n by the Company from time to time.\n
\n\n It has control over the Products and shall ensure that the\n quality of the Product is maintained throughout the\n Agreement.\n
\n\n The Company may at any point require the Merchant to provide\n relevant business information for the purpose of this\n Agreement, and the Merchant shall provide the same to the\n Company within fifteen (15) Business Days (days on which banks\n generally are open for business in Sri Lanka, excluding\n Saturday and Sunday) of such requests being made.\n
\n\n It is the Company's policy to prohibit and actively pursue the\n prevention of money laundering and any activity that\n facilitates money laundering or the financing or of terrorist\n or criminal activities. We are committed to anti-money\n laundering compliance in accordance with applicable law and\n require Merchant to adhere to these standards in preventing the\n use of the Company’s Platform and its services for money\n laundering purposes.\n
\n\n The Merchant shall not be entitled to use any intellectual\n property belonging to the Company without Company’ prior\n approval in writing.\n
\n\n Both Parties shall not make any negative, denigrating, or\n defamatory statement(s)/comment(s) about each other, the brand\n name, or the Company’s Platform, or otherwise engage in any\n conduct or action that might tarnish the image or reputation of\n the Company or Merchants on the platform or otherwise tarnish\n or dilute any Company’s or Merchants’ trade mark, service\n marks, trade name and/or goodwill associated with such trade,\n service marks or trade name as may be owned or used by either\n Party.\n
\n\n The Company may refer to the Merchant as a user of the\n Company’s Platform in marketing, sales or similar material\n however subject to Merchants brand guidelines as may be\n provided to the Company by the Merchant. Upon termination of\n this Agreement the Company shall as soon as practicable and\n within a reasonable time, remove all respective logotypes of\n the Merchant and the Merchant’s brand specifically related to\n the Company’s Platform.\n
\n\n The Company’s software includes any software (including any\n updates or upgrades to the software and any related\n documentation) that we make available to the Merchant from time\n to time for Merchant’s use in connection with the Company’s\n Platform (the \"Software\").\n
\n\n The Merchant shall use the software solely for purposes of\n enabling the Merchant to use and enjoy services as permitted by\n these Terms and Conditions and any related applicable terms as\n available on the Platform. The Merchant may not incorporate any\n portion of the Software into your own programs or compile any\n portion of it in combination with Merchant’s own programs,\n transfer it for use with another service, or sell, rent, lease,\n lend, loan, distribute or sub-license the Software or otherwise\n assign any rights to the Software in whole or in part. The\n Merchant shall not use the Software for any illegal purpose.\n The Company may cease providing services and /or terminate\n Merchant’s right to use the Software at any time. Merchant’s\n rights to use the Software will automatically terminate without\n notice from the Company if you fail to comply with any of the\n Terms and Conditions herein or across the Platform. Additional\n third-party terms contained within the Platform or distributed\n as such that are specifically identified in related\n documentation may apply and will govern the use of such\n software in the event of a conflict with this Agreement. All\n software used in any of Company’s services is Company’s\n property and/or our affiliates or its software suppliers and\n protected by the laws of Sri Lanka including but not limited to\n any other applicable copyright laws.\n
\n\n When the Merchant uses the Platform, the Merchant may also be\n using the services of one or more third parties, such as a\n wireless carrier or a mobile platform provider. Merchant’s use\n of these third party services may be subject to separate\n policies, terms of use, and fees of these third parties.\n
\n\n All Intellectual Property Rights (where “Intellectual Property\n Rights” shall mean any and all patents, trademarks, domain\n names, website designs and layouts, service marks, trade names,\n registered designs, copyrights, database rights, design rights,\n service marks, business names, logos, trade secrets, technical\n and commercial know-how, whether registered or otherwise, and\n all and any other similar type of proprietary rights, whether\n it can be registered or not) in and related to the Platform,\n its composite engineering, know-how and processes shall be and\n shall remain the exclusive property of the Company.\n
\n\n The Merchant shall not, and you will not encourage, assist or\n authorize any other person to copy, modify, reverse engineer,\n decompile or disassemble, or otherwise tamper with our software\n whether in whole or in part, or create any derivative works\n from or of the Software.\n
\n\n In order to keep the Software up-to-date, the Company may offer\n automatic or manual updates at any time and without notice to\n you.\n
\n\n All Customer information and data, designs, drawings,\n specifications, communications, whether written, oral,\n electronic, visual, graphic, photographic, observational, or\n otherwise, and documents supplied, revealed or disclosed in any\n form or manner to the Merchant by the Company, or produced or\n created by the Merchant for the Company hereunder are the\n intellectual property of, and confidential to the Company and\n shall be used solely by the Merchant for purposes of this\n Agreement. All such information shall be treated and protected\n by the Merchant as strictly confidential and shall not be\n disclosed to any third party without the prior written consent\n of the Company and shall be disclosed within the Merchant’s\n organization only on a need-to-know basis.\n
\n\n Both Parties may require their respective employees and other\n personnel involved in the performance of this Agreement to\n execute an individual confidentiality agreement prior to any\n disclosure.\n
\n\n Both Parties shall immediately return to each other any\n information provided, either upon demand, or upon termination\n of this agreement, including all copies made by either Party.\n
\n\n Both Parties shall not publicize, disclose, or discuss the\n existence, content, or scope, whether generalities or details,\n of this Agreement or make any reference to each other, the\n business of either to any third party by any means, and through\n any medium (including but not limited to advertising, web site\n references, photographs, articles, press releases or\n interviews, speeches or programs) without obtaining prior\n written consent.\n
\n\n Each Party agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the other Party\n harmless and keep it indemnified from and against all direct\n losses, damages, penalties, costs, expenses and charges imposed\n on or incurred by the other Party as a result of any claims,\n demands, litigations, lawsuits and/or legal proceedings by a\n third party arising out of any act(s), omission(s),\n noncompliance or breach by the defaulting Party, including its\n officers or employees, of this Agreement or of directives,\n rules, regulations, instructions, or orders of any statutory,\n regulatory or municipal authority or any other applicable laws\n or third-party agreements, in the running, operation,\n maintenance pursuant to this Agreement.\n
\n\n In addition to the above, if the Merchant is in breach of its\n warranties, representations, covenants and obligations as\n detailed under this Agreement, then the Merchant understands\n and agrees that the Company shall be entitled to receive, from\n Merchant, indemnification and/or compensation for any costs,\n expenses, losses or damages, penalty/fine, etc. caused to the\n Company thereby arising from, alleged to arise from, or in any\n way associated with:\n
\n\n any defect in Products sold to any Customer;\n
\n\n any claim made by any Customer on the basis of any contract\n between the Customer and the Merchant;\n
\n\n any violation of any law committed by the Merchant,\n including any failure by the Merchant to pay any required\n tax on the import, manufacture, production, sale, supply,\n distribution or delivery of a Product;\n
\n\n any negligence or fault of whatever nature of the Merchant\n or its affiliates, and any director, officer, employee,\n contractor, or agent; or\n
\n\n Imposition of fine, penalty and/or claims, against the\n Company, by any competent authority, including but not\n limited to, Customer Affairs Authority as well as any\n competent court of law\n
\n\n The Merchant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Company its\n affiliates and their respective officers, directors,\n shareholders, agents and employees, from any claim or demand,\n or actions including reasonable attorney's fees, made by any\n third party or penalty imposed due to or arising out of your\n breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or any\n document incorporated by reference, or your violation of any\n law, rules, regulations or the rights of a third party.\n
\n\n The Merchant hereby expressly release the Company and/or its\n affiliates and/or any of its officers, directors, shareholders\n and representatives from any cost, damage, liability or other\n consequence of any of the actions/inactions of the Customers or\n other service providers and specifically waiver any claims or\n demands that you may have in this behalf under any statute,\n contract or otherwise.\n
\n\n The Platform, including all content, software, functions,\n materials and information made available on or provided in\n connection with the Merchant’s access to and use of the\n Platform, are provided “as-is.” The Merchant acknowledges and\n confirms that it will access and use the Platform at its own\n risk. To the fullest extent permissible by law, the Company\n disclaims: (I) any representations or warranties regarding this\n Agreement, the contracts or the transactions contemplated by\n this Agreement, including any implied warranties of\n Merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or\n non-infringement; (ii) implied warranties arising out of course\n of dealing, course of performance or usage of trade; and (iii)\n any obligation, liability, right, claim or remedy in tort,\n whether or not arising from the Company’ negligence. The\n Company does not warrant that the functions contained in the\n Platform will meet the Merchant’s requirements or be available,\n timely, secure uninterrupted or error free, and the Company\n will not be liable for any service interruptions, including but\n not limited to system failures or other interruptions that may\n affect the receipt, processing, acceptance, completion or\n settlement of any contracts or transactions.\n
\n\n The Merchant expressly acknowledges that the Company is not a\n party to any contracts and / or sale and purchase of Products\n between the Merchant and Customers via the Platform. If a\n dispute arises, the Customer and Merchant shall release the\n Company (and its agents and employees) from claims, demands,\n and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and\n nature, known and unknown, suspected and unsuspected, disclosed\n and undisclosed, arising out of or in any way connected with\n such disputes.\n
\n\n The Company will not be liable (whether in contract, warranty,\n tort (including negligence, product liability or other theory)\n or otherwise) to the Merchant or any other person for cost of\n cover, recovery or renouncement of any investment made by the\n Merchant in connection with this Agreement, or for any loss of\n profit, revenue, business, or data or punitive or consequential\n damages arising out of or relating to this agreement, even if\n the Company has been advised of the possibility of those costs\n or damages. Further, Company’ aggregate liability arising out\n of or in connection with this Agreement, or the transactions\n contemplated will not exceed at any time the total Merchant\n Fees earned during the prior three-month period paid by the\n Merchant to the Company.\n
\n\n The Company shall not be liable to the Merchant or be deemed to\n be in breach of this Agreement by reason of any delay in\n performing or any failure to perform any of the Company’\n obligations if the delay or failure was due to any cause beyond\n the Company’s reasonable control. Without prejudice to the\n generality of the foregoing the following shall be regarded as\n causes beyond the Company’s reasonable control:\n
\n\n Act of God, pandemic, epidemic, explosion, flood, tempest,\n fire or accident war or threat of war, sabotage,\n insurrection, civil disturbance or requisition;\n
\n\n Acts, restrictions, regulations, bye-laws, prohibitions or\n measures of any kind on the part of any governmental,\n parliamentary or local authority;\n
\n\n interruption of traffic, strikes lock-outs or other\n industrial actions or trade disputes (whether involving\n employees of the Company or of a third party);\n
\n\n interruption of production or operation, difficulties in\n obtaining raw materials labor, fuel, parts or machinery;\n
\n\n power failure or breakdown in machinery.\n
\n\n The Company may, at its option, fully or partially suspend\n delivery/performance while such circumstances continue and the\n Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by\n the Merchant as a result of such suspension, including but not\n limited to from the Merchant’s failure to fulfill any\n transaction with a Customer.\n
\n\n This Agreement remains valid for one year from the Commencement\n Date as set forth in the Merchant Registration Form and shall\n automatically renew for successive one (1) year periods each\n (each, a “Renewal Term” and together with the Initial Term, the\n “Term”) unless otherwise terminated by the Parties in terms of\n the provisions hereof.\n
\n\n Either Party may terminate this Agreement by giving sixty (60)\n Days’ written notice to the other.\n
\n\n On or at any time after the occurrence of any of the events of\n default in Clause 15.4 below, the Company shall, in addition to\n any rights or remedies it may have in law, in equity, be\n entitled to terminate this Agreement with immediate effect by\n written notice to the Merchant. The following shall constitute\n events of default:\n
\n\n the Merchant being in breach of any warranty or\n representation under this agreement or any Contract;\n
\n\n the Merchant being in breach of any obligation under this\n agreement failing to remedy the same on or before seven (7)\n Business Days (days on which banks generally are open for\n business in Sri Lanka excluding Saturday and Sunday) from\n receipt of a written notice from the Company of such\n breach;\n
\n\n the Merchant passing a resolution for its winding up or a\n court of competent jurisdiction making an order for the\n Company’s winding up or dissolution;\n
\n\n the Merchant making of an administration order in relation\n to the Merchant or the appointment of a receiver over or an\n encumbrance taking possession of or selling any of the\n Merchant’s assets;\n
\n\n the Merchant making an arrangement or settlement with its\n creditors generally or applying to a court of competent\n jurisdiction for protection from its creditors;\n
\n\n the Merchant ceasing or threatening to cease to carry on\n business; or\n
\n\n the Company reasonably apprehends that any of the events\n mentioned above is about to occur in relation to the\n Merchant and notifies the Merchant accordingly.\n
\n\n The Merchant shall be obliged to perform all contracts already\n entered into with Customers.\n
\n\n The Parties will settle all outstanding liabilities immediately\n upon termination of this agreement.\n
\n\n The Merchant may not assign this Agreement or any part hereof,\n or any money due hereunder, without the prior written consent\n of the Company. If consent is granted, any such assignment by\n the Merchant shall not increase or alter the Company’s\n obligations nor diminish the rights of the Company, nor relieve\n the Merchant of any of its obligations under this Agreement.\n
\n\n The Company reserves the right to assign this agreement, in\n whole or in part, to any party, including its affiliates with a\n reasonable prior written notice to the Merchant.\n
\n\n The Merchant shall give the Company prompt written notice of\n any change in its ownership or organization.\n
\n\n NOTICES\n
\n\n All notices required or authorised by this Agreement are to be\n in writing in the English language and are to be delivered by\n either party to the other by hand or email or by registered\n post to such address as the parties may inform each other from\n time to time in accordance with this section. Notices delivered\n by hand will be deemed given upon hand delivery\n
\n\n Nothing in this Agreement will create any partnership, joint\n venture, agency, franchise, sales representative or employment\n relationship between the Parties or impose any liability on the\n Company in relation to the Merchant beyond that specifically\n expressed in this Agreement.\n
\n\n The Merchant acknowledges and agrees that the Company may at\n its sole discretion modify, amend or change any of the terms\n and conditions of this agreement and /or implement Platform\n policies and guidelines from time to time and notifications of\n such changes will be sent to the Merchant in writing. The\n Merchant will then have fourteen (14) days to accept any and\n all modifications or communicate disagreement to the Company in\n writing. If there is no response from the Merchant it will\n count as an agreement on the Merchant’s part.\n
\n\n Any typographical clerical or other error or omission in any\n acceptance, invoice or other document on the part of the\n Company shall be subject to correction without any liability on\n the part of the Company.\n
\n\n No waiver by the Company of any breach of this Agreement by the\n Merchant shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent\n breach of the same or any other provision.\n
\n\n If any provision of this Agreement is held by any competent\n authority to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part\n the validity of the other provisions of this agreement and the\n remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected\n thereby.\n
\n\n No person who is not a party to this Agreement (including any\n employee, officer, agent, representative or sub-contractor of\n either party) shall have any right to enforce any terms of this\n Agreement which expressly or by implication confers a benefit\n on that person without the express prior agreement in writing\n of the Parties.\n
\n\n The Company shall be entitled to commence legal proceedings for\n the purposes of protecting its confidential information or any\n exclusivity rights, as contained in this Agreement, by means of\n injunctive or other equitable relief.\n
\n\n This agreement shall be governed by the laws of Sri Lanka . In\n the event the Parties have any disagreement or dispute relating\n to or arising out of this Agreement the Parties shall endeavour\n to resolve such dispute amicably and in good faith. In the\n event the dispute cannot be resolved through mutual\n discussions, the dispute or differences shall be referred to\n the appropriate Court of Law or, both parties agreeing,\n referred to arbitration under the rules of the Institute for\n Commercial Law and Practice in accordance with its Rules and\n then prevailing laws.\n
\n\n This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts and\n by exchange of electronically signed counterparts transmitted\n by pdf format or exchange by hard-copy, each of which shall be\n deemed an original and all of which, when taken together, shall\n constitute one and the same original instrument.\n
\n \n\nDinnovation (Private) Limited (PV0225927), hereinafter sometimes referred to as “we",\n "us", “KOKO”, “Pay KOKO” or "Dinnovation" provide access to this\n KOKO__website_ (the "KOKO") to you subject to the conditions set out on this page. Please read these\n Terms and Conditions carefully before using KOKO.
\n This document is an electronic record in terms of Electronic Transactions Act. No 19 of 2006 and rules\n thereunder as applicable and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as\n amended by the Electronics Transactions Act No. 19 of 2006.
\n This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital\n signatures.
\n W These are the terms and conditions governing your access and use of KOKO along with its related sub-domains,\n sites, mobile app, payment system, services and tools (the "Site"). By using the Site, you hereby\n accept these terms and conditions (including the linked information herein) and represent that you agree to\n comply with these terms and conditions (the "User Agreement"). In addition, when you use any current\n or future KOKO’ services, you will also be subject to the terms, guidelines and conditions applicable to\n each KOKO service/s. ("Terms"). If these Conditions of Use are inconsistent with such Terms, the Terms\n will control. This User Agreement is deemed effective upon your use of the Site which signifies your acceptance\n of these terms. If you do not agree to be bound by this User Agreement please do not access, register with or\n use this Site.
\n We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or remove portions of these Terms and Conditions at any time\n without any prior notification. Changes will be effective when posted on the Site with no other notice provided.\n Please check these Terms and Conditions regularly for updates. Your continued use of the Site following the\n posting of changes to Terms and Conditions of use constitutes your acceptance of those changes.
\n Under this User Agreement, KOKO will grant you access to and use of Site, which will give you the ability to\n purchase items and/or services from participating merchants (“Products”) through their e-commerce\n and /or offline Stores and make payment for such purchases via separate and equal instalments as determined by\n KOKO without interest through the system developed by us for the implementation and administration of an online\n instalment payment solution, which includes performing validation checks and assessments on consumers\n (“Services”). Participating merchants shall mean approved retailers or retail merchants that allow\n customers to purchase Products from their stores online or otherwise and make payment via instalments using the\n Site (“Participating Merchants”).\n
For the avoidance of doubt, the Site does not constitute a lending or credit facility and KOKO does not provide\n any credit to merchants or consumers.
\n Your Account
\n To access the Services offered by the Site, we require that you create an account with us or provide personal\n information to complete the creation of an account in order for you to manage your orders and repayment schedule\n (“Account”).
\n You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your user identification, password, account details\n and related private information. You agree to accept this responsibility and ensure your Account and its related\n details are maintained securely at all times and all necessary steps are taken to prevent misuse of your\n Account. You should inform us immediately if you have any reason to believe that your password has become known\n to anyone else, or if the password is being, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorized manner. You agree and\n acknowledge that any use of the Site and related services offered and/or any access to private information, data\n or communications using your Account and password shall be deemed to be either performed by you. You agree to be\n bound by any access of the Site and/or use of Services offered by the Site (whether such access or use are\n authorized by you or not). You agree that we shall be entitled (but not obliged) to act upon, rely on or hold\n you solely responsible and liable in respect thereof as if the same were carried out or transmitted by you. You\n further agree and acknowledge that you shall be bound by and agree to fully indemnify us against any and all\n losses arising from the use of or access to the Site through your Account.\n
Please ensure that the details you provide us with are correct and complete at all times. You are obligated to\n update details about your Account in real time by accessing your Account online. For pieces of information you\n are not able to update by accessing your Account on the Site, you must inform us via our customer service\n communication channels to assist you with these changes. We may at any time in our sole and absolute discretion,\n request that you update your personal data or forthwith invalidate the Account or related details without giving\n any reason or prior notice and shall not be liable or responsible for any losses suffered by or caused by you or\n arising out of or in connection with or by reason of such request or invalidation. You hereby agree to change\n your password from time to time and to keep your Account secure and also shall be responsible for the\n confidentiality of your Account and liable for any disclosure or use (whether such use is authorized or not) of\n the username and/or password.
\n\nYou shall use the Site and your Account in accordance with the operating procedures as may be determined by us\n from time to time. You shall have only one Account.
\n\nWe shall be entitled to limit your access to your Account in the following ways:
\n Where you have failed to pay any Instalment(s) (defined below) by the scheduled due date and within any\n accompanying grace period (where applicable), we reserve the right to suspend you from making further orders and\n subsequently, where your debts to us have been referred to a third party debt collection agency, we will block\n access to your Account.
\n Where we have reasonable cause to suspect that you have been involved in any immoral, deceitful, fraudulent,\n and/ or unlawful act within the Site and where devices, email accounts and/or phone numbers are being used to\n perform an order or create an Account and such devices, email addresses and/or phone numbers are reasonably\n suspected by us to be involved in connection with any unlawful act within the Site we:
\n Reserve the right to conduct investigations, with internal and external third-parties, to determine the extent\n and impact of the suspected conduct;
\n Reserve the right to seek your cooperation and assistance in dealing with such activities, which you hereby\n covenant to comply with;
\n Reserve the right to request immediate payment from you for all outstanding debts only to us;
\n Reserve the right to suspend any Account associated with you until such time as such act is halted or restricted\n to our satisfaction;
\n Reserve the right to temporarily suspend or permanently block you from using or participating Site or its\n network of Participating Merchants;
\n Reserve the right,, at our sole discretion, to close any Account(s) whether associated with the suspected act or\n otherwise; and reserves the right to report such behavior to the relevant authorities.
\n You may close your Account at any time provided that:
\n You have paid in full all Instalments associated with your orders, and there are no outstanding debts owed by\n you to us that have been referred to a third party for collection and no suitable repayment plan as agreed by us\n is still ongoing;
\n You have paid all late payment charges imposed on you, or such late payment charge has been reversed (subject to\n our sole discretion);
\n There are no outstanding disputes between you and us or any Participating Merchant;
\n There are no outstanding refunds or reversals from a Participating Merchant that are still pending processing;\n and
\n You are not subject to any investigation regarding your orders, instalments or any other reason as reasonably\n determined by us.
\n We shall be entitled to close your Account:
\n Without your consent or prior notice, if we become aware that any Account associated with you is being used by a\n third party or has been compromised in any way whether as a result of your actions or inactions or\n otherwise;
\n If we consider that you are using the Site and its services inappropriately, illegally, or against the spirit of\n this User Agreement;
\n If you have not paid your outstanding debts to us and:
\n Your failure to pay persists despite we putting in place a suitable repayment plan;
\n Your outstanding debts have been referred to a third-party agency for collection; and such collection has been\n carried out with limited or no success.
\n In such case you shall not be able to open another Account with us for a period of three (3) years or any other\n period of time that is deemed appropriate by law or regulation, and we reserve the rights to:
\n Pursue any outstanding sums due and owing to us in connection with this User Agreement through third-parties and\n relevant legal means available to us;
\n Notify any credit reporting agency or bureau located in Sri Lanka or any agency or bureau that reports such\n credit reporting information to Sri Lankan companies, and identify any outstanding debts against your known\n details to us as at the date of termination of this User Agreement;
\n Should you fail to meet the eligibility requirements set out below on an ongoing basis, we reserve the right to\n suspend, block, withdraw, close or otherwise render inoperable your Account.\n
\n\nIn order to be eligible to receive the Services, you must:
\n\nBe a natural person and not a company, partnership or other commercial or noncommercial entity;
\n Be at least 18 years old of age;
\n Have a valid email address;
\n Have a mobile telephone number issued by a Sri Lankan telecommunications carrier;
\n Have a billing address and shipping address located in Sri Lanka; and
\n Own a valid credit card or debit card which you can use to make payments on the Site.
Your eligibility is assessed and determined upon each order you make, and we reserve the right to deny, suspend\n or terminate the provision of the Services to you in the manner prescribed above in the event that you fail to\n meet these eligibility requirements at any time, and you shall have no right of recourse or appeal against such\n decision.
\n Privacy
\n Please review our Privacy Policy , which also governs your visit to the Site. The personal information / data\n provided to us by you or your use of the Site will be treated as strictly confidential, in accordance with the\n Privacy Agreement and applicable laws and regulations. If you object to your information being transferred or\n used in the manner specified in the Privacy Agreement,you shall not be entitled to use the Site, or any of the\n services thereunder.\n
\n Continued Availability of the Site
\n We will do our utmost to ensure that access to the Site is consistently available and is uninterrupted and\n error-free. However, due to the nature of the Internet and the nature of the Site, this cannot be guaranteed.\n Additionally, your access to the Site may also be occasionally suspended or restricted to allow for repairs,\n maintenance, or the introduction of new facilities or services at any time without prior notice. We will attempt\n to limit the frequency and duration of any such suspension or restriction.
\n License to Access the Site
\n We grant you a non-transferable, revocable and non-exclusive license to use the Site, in accordance with the\n Terms and Conditions described herein. No person shall register as a member of the Site more than once. Any\n breach of these Terms and Conditions shall result in the immediate revocation of the license granted in this\n paragraph without notice to you.\n
Content provided on this Site is solely for informational purposes. Submissions or opinions expressed on this\n Site are those of the individual(s) posting such content and do not reflect our opinions in any way whatsoever.\n
\n\nWe grant you a limited license to access and make personal use of this Site, but not to download (excluding\n page caches) or modify the Site or any portion of it in any manner. This license does not include any resale or\n commercial use of this Site or its contents; any collection and; any derivative use of this Site or its\n contents; any downloading or copying of Account information for the benefit of another party; or any use of data\n mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools.
\n\nThis Site or any portion of it (including but not limited to any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other\n proprietary information) shall not be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, distributed or\n otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without express written consent by us as shall be applicable.
\n\nYou shall not frame or use framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information\n (including images, text, page layout, or form) without our express written consent. You shall not use any meta\n tags or any other text utilizing our name or trademark without our express written consent, as applicable. Any\n unauthorized use terminates the permission or license granted by us to you for access to the Site with no prior\n notice. You shall not use our logo or other proprietary graphic or trademark as part of an external link for\n commercial or other purposes without our express written consent, as shall be applicable.
\n\nYou agree and undertake not to perform restricted activities listed within this section; undertaking these\n activities will result in an immediate cancellation of your Account, services, reviews, orders or any existing\n incomplete transaction with us and in severe cases may also result in legal action.
\n\n\n Refusal to comply with the Terms and Conditions described herein or any other guidelines and policies related to\n the use of the Site as available on the Site at all times.
\n Impersonate any person or entity or to falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person\n or entity.
\n Use the Site for illegal purposes, on any purposes other than what is explicitly permitted under these Terms and\n Conditions.
\n Attempt to gain unauthorized access to or otherwise interfere or disrupt other computer systems or networks\n connected to the Platform or Services.
\n Interfere with another’s utilization and enjoyment of the Site.
\n Post, promote or transmit through the Site any prohibited materials as deemed illegal by the laws of Sri\n Lanka.
\n Post, promote or transmit through the Site any content or materials that promote hate speech, bigotry,\n discrimination, violence, pornography, or any other legally restricted/regulated matters.
\n Use or upload, in any way, any software or material that contains, or which you have reason to suspect that\n contains, viruses, damaging components, malicious code or harmful components which may impair or corrupt the\n Site’s data or damage or interfere with the operation of another Customer’s computer or mobile\n device or the Site and use the Site other than in conformance with the acceptable use policies of any connected\n computer networks, any applicable Internet standards and any other applicable laws.
\n Your Conduct
\n You shall not use the Site in any way that causes, or is likely to cause, the Site or access to it to be\n interrupted, damaged or impaired in any way. You must not engage in activities that could harm or potentially\n harm the Site, its employees, officers, representatives, stakeholders or any other party directly or indirectly\n associated with the Site or access to it to be interrupted, damaged or impaired in any way. You understand that\n you, and not us, are responsible for all electronic communications and content sent from your computer to us and\n you must use the Site for lawful purposes only. You are strictly prohibited from using the Site for;
\n Fraudulent purposes, or in connection with a criminal offense or other unlawful activity to send, use or reuse\n any material that does not belong to you; or is illegal, offensive (including but not limited to material that\n is sexually explicit content or which promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm), deceptive, misleading,\n abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libellous, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic or\n menacing; ethnically objectionable, disparaging or in breach of copyright, trademark, confidentiality, privacy\n or any other proprietary information or right; or is otherwise injurious to third parties; or in a manner that\n contravenes any anti-money laundering, know-your-customer and/or antiterrorism laws (“AML Laws”) or\n gambling; or is harmful to minors in any way; or impersonates another person; or threatens the unity, integrity,\n security or sovereignty of Sri Lanka or friendly relations with foreign States; or objectionable or otherwise\n unlawful in any manner whatsoever; or which consists of or contains software viruses, political campaigning,\n commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any "spam” Use the Site for illegal\n purposes.
\n To cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.
\n To purchase Products for third parties for the purposes of receiving further or additional payments from such\n third parties;
\n For any other purpose not intended by us.
\n Your Submission
\n Anything that you submit to the Site and/or provide to us, including but not limited to, questions, reviews,\n comments, and suggestions (collectively, "Submissions") will become our sole and exclusive property\n and shall not be returned to you. In addition to the rights applicable to any Submission, when you post comments\n or reviews to the Site, you also grant us the right to use the name that you submit, in connection with such\n review, comment, or other content. You shall not use a false e-mail address, pretend to be someone other than\n yourself or otherwise mislead us or third parties as to the origin of any Submissions. We may, but shall not be\n obligated to, remove or edit any Submissions without any notice or legal course applicable to us in this regard.\n
Claims Against Objectionable Content
\n If you believe that any content on the Site is illegal, offensive (including but not limited to material that is\n sexually explicit content or which promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm), deceptive, misleading,\n abusive, indecent, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, libellous, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic or\n menacing; ethnically objectionable, disparaging; or is otherwise injurious to third parties; or relates to or\n promotes money laundering or gambling; or is harmful to minors in any way; or impersonates another person; or\n threatens the unity, integrity, security or sovereignty of Sri Lanka or friendly relations with foreign States;\n or objectionable or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever; or which consists of or contains software\n viruses, (" objectionable content "), please notify us immediately by following by writing to us at\n legal@paykoko.com. We will make all practical endeavours to investigate and remove valid objectionable content\n complained about within a reasonable amount of time.\n
Please ensure to provide your name, address, contact information and as many relevant details of the claim\n including name of objectionable content party, instances of objection, proof of objection amongst others. Please\n note that providing incomplete details will render your claim invalid and unusable for legal purposes.
\n Claims Against Infringing Content
\n We respect the intellectual property of others. If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been\n used in a way that gives rise to concerns of infringement, please write to us at legal@paykoko.com and we will\n make all reasonable efforts to address your concern within a reasonable amount of time. Please ensure to provide\n your name, address, contact information and as many relevant details of the claim including name of infringing\n party, instances of infringement, proof of infringement amongst others. Please note that providing incomplete\n details will render your claim invalid and unusable for legal purposes. In addition, providing false or\n misleading information shall be considered a legal offense and may be followed by legal proceedings, at our\n whole and sole discretion.\n
\n Trademarks and Copyrights
\n KOKO, KOKO Logo and other marks indicated on our Site are trademarks or registered trademarks in the relevant\n jurisdiction(s). Our graphics, logos, page headers, button icons, scripts and service names are the trademarks\n or trade dress and shall not be used in connection with any product or service that does not belong to us or in\n any manner that is likely to cause confusion among customers, or in any manner that disparages or discredits us.\n All other trademarks that appear on this Site are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be\n affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by us.\n
All intellectual property rights, whether registered or unregistered, in the Site, information content on the\n Site and all the website design, including, but not limited to text, graphics, software, photos, video, music,\n sound, and their selection and arrangement, and all software compilations, underlying source code and software\n shall remain our property. The entire contents of the Site also are protected by copyright, trade mark, service\n mark, patent or other proprietary rights and laws as under applicable laws and international conventions. All\n rights are reserved.
\n Disclaimer
\n We expressly disclaim any warranties or representations (express or implied) in respect of quality, suitability,\n accuracy, reliability, completeness, timeliness, performance, safety, merchantability, fitness for a particular\n purpose, or legality of the products listed or displayed or transacted or the content (including product or\n pricing information and/or specifications) on the Site. While we have taken precautions to avoid inaccuracies in\n content, this Site, all content, information, software, products, services and related graphics are provided as\n is, without warranty of any kind. We do not implicitly or explicitly support or endorse the sale or purchase of\n any products by the Participating Merchants. At no time shall any right, title or interest in the products sold\n by Participating Merchants vest with us nor shall we have any obligations or liabilities in respect of any of\n such transactions.
\n We provide content or material on the Site that is provided by Participating Merchants, third-parties and other\n internet-based resources. We use best endeavours to ensure that content or material is correct, accurate,\n reputable, of high-quality and up-to-date and we do not make any warranties or guarantees in relation to that\n content or the providers of that content. Where any inaccuracy has been brought to our attention, we will\n attempt to correct any inaccuracies within a reasonable time and where practicable to do so.
\n You acknowledge that you have not relied on any representation and/or warranty made by us which has not been\n expressly stated or referred to in this User Agreement.\n
\n Limitation of Liability
\n\nTo the extent permitted by applicable law, Dinnovation (including its related bodies corporate, directors,\n employees, officers, agents and representatives) and any third parties providing services for or on behalf of\n Dinnovation shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or punitive damages\n (including without limitation loss of profits, loss of revenue and loss of data) arising out of or in connection\n with these Terms and Conditions and the Site. Dinnovation’s liability to you for any non-excludable\n damages shall not exceed the value of any orders that are to the subject matter of such claim, including any\n Fees or Charges defined under clause 3,1 below that have been applied by Dinnovation against you.
\n\nYou shall indemnify and hold harmless Dinnovation, its subsidiaries, affiliates and their respective officers,\n directors, shareholders, agents and employees, from any claim or demand, or actions including reasonable\n attorney's fees, made by any third party or penalty imposed due to or arising out of;
\n\nBreach of these Terms and Conditions, the User Agreement, or any document incorporated by reference, or your\n violation of any law, rules, regulations or the rights of a third party,
\n Your negligence or willful misconduct;
\n Inability to repay debts on orders made using your Account, whether such orders were created directly by you or\n as a result of your negligence or inability to keep your Account secure; or
\n Inability to repay debts on orders made using your Account due to a change in your financial circumstances\n subsequent to the making of such order,
\n Actions/inactions of the Participating Merchants or other service providers and specifically waiver any claims\n or demands that you may have in this behalf under any statute, contract or otherwise
\n Save to the extent that such claim and/or subsequent damages or where it could be reasonably expected to do so,\n failed to reasonable steps to mitigate the claim and/or subsequent damages arises as a result of willful default\n or gross negligence on the part of Dinnovation, its directors, employees, officers, agents and representatives\n and those of any member of the Dinnovation group.
Third Party Businesses
\n We may provide links to the websites of affiliated companies, certain other businesses and Participating\n Merchants. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating, and we do not warrant or endorse the offerings of\n any of these businesses or individuals, or the content of their websites. We do not assume any responsibility or\n liability for the actions, products, and content of any of these and any other third-parties. You should\n carefully review their privacy statements and related terms and conditions.
\n Communicating with us\n
When you visit the Site, or send emails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You will be\n required to provide a valid phone number while placing an order with us. We may communicate with you by email,\n SMS, phone call or by posting notices on the Site to the registered address or shipping or billing address (as\n the case may be) associated with your Account or by any other mode of communication we choose to employ. For\n contractual purposes, you consent to receive communications (including transactional, promotional and/or\n commercial messages), from us with respect to your use of the Site (and/or placement of your order) and agree to\n treat all modes of communication with the same importance.
\n All notices or other communications between the parties shall be given in writing and in the English\n language.
\n Losses
\n We will not be responsible for any business or personal losses (including but not limited to loss of profits,\n revenue, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill, or wasted expenditure) or any other indirect or\n consequential loss that is not reasonably foreseeable to both you and us when you commenced using the Site.
\n Amendments to Conditions or Alterations of Service and Related Promise
\n We reserve the right to make changes to the Site, its policies, these terms and conditions and any other\n publicly displayed condition or service promise at any time. You will be subject to the policies and terms and\n conditions in force at the time you used the Site unless any change to those policies or these conditions is\n required to be made by law or government authority (in which case it will apply to orders previously placed by\n you). If any of these conditions is deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will\n be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.
\n Events Beyond Our Control
\n We will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these conditions\n if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond our reasonable control. This condition does not\n affect your statutory rights.
\n Waiver
\n You acknowledge and recognize that we are a private commercial enterprise and reserve the right to conduct\n business to achieve our objectives in a manner we deem fit. You also acknowledge that if you breach the\n conditions stated on our Site and we take no action, we are still entitled to use our rights and remedies in any\n other situation where you breach these conditions.
\n Termination
\n In addition to any other legal or equitable remedies, we shall reserve the right to, without prior notice to\n you, immediately terminate the Terms and Conditions or revoke any or all of your rights granted under the Terms\n and Conditions. Upon any termination of this Agreement, you shall immediately cease all access to and use of the\n Site and we shall, in addition to any other legal or equitable remedies, immediately revoke all password(s) and\n Account identification issued to you and deny your access to and use of this Site in whole or in part. Any\n termination of this User Agreement shall not affect the respective rights and obligations (including without\n limitation, payment obligations) of the parties arising before the date of termination. You furthermore agree\n that the Site shall not be liable to you or to any other person as a result of any such suspension or\n termination. If you are dissatisfied with the Site or with any terms, conditions, rules, policies, guidelines,\n or practices in operating the Site, your sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the Site.
\n Our Software
\n Our software includes any software (including any updates or upgrades to the software and any related\n documentation) that we make available to you from time to time for your use in connection with the Site (the\n "Software").\n
You shall use the software solely for purposes of enabling you to use and enjoy our services as permitted by\n the Terms and Conditions and any related applicable terms as available on the Site. You shall not incorporate\n any portion of the Software into your own programs or compile any portion of it in combination with your own\n programs, transfer it for use with another service, or sell, rent, lease, lend, loan, distribute or sub-license\n the Software or otherwise assign any rights to the Software in whole or in part. You shall not use the Software\n for any illegal purpose. We reserve the right to cease providing you service and terminate your right to use the\n Software at any time. Your rights to use the Software will automatically terminate without notice from us if you\n fail to comply with any of the Terms and Conditions listed here or across the Site. Additional third-party terms\n contained within the Site or distributed as such that are specifically identified in related documentation shall\n apply and shall govern the use of such software in the event of a conflict with these Terms and Conditions. All\n software used in any of our services is our property and/or our affiliates or its software suppliers and\n protected by the laws of Sri Lanka including but not limited to any other applicable copyright laws.
\n\nWhen you use the Site, you may also be using the services of one or more third parties, such as a wireless\n carrier or a mobile platform provider. Your use of these third party services shall be subject to separate\n policies, terms of use, and fees of these third parties.
\n\nAll Intellectual Property Rights in and related to the Site, its composite engineering, know-how and processes\n shall be and shall remain the exclusive property of Dinnovation.
\n You shall not, and you will not encourage, assist or authorize any other person to copy, modify, reverse\n engineer, decompile or disassemble, or otherwise tamper with our software whether in whole or in part, or create\n any derivative works from or of the Software.\n
In order to keep the Software up-to-date, we may offer automatic or manual updates at any time and without\n notice to you.
\n Governing Law and Jurisdiction
\n These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of The Democratic Socialist\n Republic of Sri Lanka. You agree, as we do, to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Sri Lanka\n having jurisdiction over the place on which our Registered Office is situated at the time of institution of\n legal proceedings.
\n This section deals with conditions relating to the services on the Site.
\n Payment, fees and charges\n
All fees and charges (“Fees” and Charges”) associated with an order are maintained in the\n Schedule of these Terms and Conditions and we reserve the right to alter those Fees and Charges at our sole\n discretion, and will in such case amend these Terms and Conditions and publish the amended Terms and Conditions\n on the Site.
\n\nAny late payment charges incurred are calculated based on the value of the order created in the Site as a\n result of a successful transaction between you and a Participating Merchant using the Site to effect payment and\n are tabled in the Schedule to these Terms and Conditions as well as available on the Site.
\n\nIn the case of refunds and reversals, the late payment charges will be adjusted in the following manner:
\n In the case of a partial Refund, any late payment charges shall be calculated based on the revised Order Value\n Post-Refund;
\n In the case of a full Refund or a Reversal, we will remove any late payment charges applied against outstanding\n instalments for such Refunded or Reversed Order.
We reserve the right to remove, reverse, waive or void generally any late payment charge at its sole\n discretion.
\n\nPayment of outstanding debts owed by you to us may be:
\n\nMade automatically: we reserve the right to obtain monies from the payment method nominated by you (Nominated\n Payment Method), automatically to pay an instalment on the scheduled due date, and such monies will first be\n applied against that instalment and any surplus monies (if any) obtained by us will be applied against any other\n outstanding debts on your Account; or
\n\nMade manually: you shall make manual payments in respect of outstanding debts owed by you to us and which are\n not subject to automatic deduction from your Nominated Payment Method, and such manual payments will be applied\n in the following order of priority until the monies have all been used:
\n\nFirst, to any outstanding instalments;
\n Second, to any outstanding fees that shall be imposed by Dinnovation on you as a result of activities performed\n in association with your Account as requested by you.
\n Third, to any outstanding charges (excluding any Late Payment fees) that shall be imposed by Dinnovation on you\n as a result of your failure to comply with your obligations, including late payment charges., and
\n Last, to any outstanding late payment charges;
You may also make manual payments for future instalments which are yet to fall due, provided that you have no\n outstanding debts owed to us at that point in time, and such manual payments shall be applied against future\n instalments in the order that they would have become due. Any surplus monies will be refunded to your Nominated\n Payment Method.
\n\nWhere there are any surplus monies which exist as credits in your Account and you have no outstanding debts,\n you may request for a refund and we will endeavor to refund such monies to you as soon as practicable.
\n\nWe reserve the right to:
\n\nLimit the number of credit cards or debit cards used to pay your instalments within a period of time as may be\n determined by us in its sole discretion;
\n Limit the amount of manual payments that you shall make in respect of your Account and your orders;
\n Only accept any repayment on any order made after 21 days from the date of the creation of the relevant order\n and to reject all attempted repayments before such time;
\n Place any additional limitations on you, Participating Merchants, credit cards or debit cards, devices and\n Accounts as we may deem fit and reasonable to protect its financial exposure.
Disputes, reversal and refunds
\n\nIn the event of any dispute between the you and a Participating Merchant:
\n\nYou shall contact the Participating Merchant directly to file your dispute with them;
\n You should notify us of such ongoing disputes so that we are aware of the dispute and can take appropriate\n action.
\n If you are unable to resolve the dispute with the Participating Merchant, you shall raise the matter with us and\n we will use reasonable endeavours in good faith to (but shall not be obliged to) mediate and resolve such\n dispute, and in such case you acknowledge that we are not obliged to intervene and that the Participating\n Merchant is not obliged to follow our directions regarding such dispute; and
\n You acknowledge that notwithstanding an ongoing dispute, you remain liable to us for any outstanding debts\n related to the order in dispute.
In the event of a Refund:
\n\nIt is your duty to notify the Participating Merchant of any refund request and to comply with the Participating\n Merchant’s refund process and any other statutory requirements in relation to such refund process, and you\n and the Participating Merchant shall reach an agreement regarding the refund amount without our involvement and\n prior to the Participating Merchant lodging a refund request with us;
\n The Participating Merchant shall lodge such refund request with us within fourteen days (14) calendar days of\n the creation of the order and any refund request beyond this time must be expressly agreed between you and the\n Participating Merchant, and the Participating Merchant shall notify us within 24 hours of such agreement to\n refund;
\n Where a full refund is agreed as between you and the Participating Merchant, you shall return the disputed\n Product(s) (where applicable) to the Participating Merchant and the Participating Merchant shall acknowledge\n receipt of the disputed Product(s), upon which:
\n we will refund such amount that you have already paid in relation to the disputed order; and
\n Your Account will be updated to reflect the full refund.
Where a partial refund is agreed as between you and the Participating Merchant, you shall return the disputed\n Product(s) (where applicable) to the Participating Merchant and the Participating Merchant shall acknowledge\n receipt of the disputed Product(s), upon which:
\n We will prorate the instalments according to the revised order value taking into account the partial refund;
\n In respect of each instalment repayment already made, we will credit your Account with an amount equivalent to\n the difference between the original and pro-rated instalment;
\n Such credits may be used to pay the prorated instalments that become due and payable; and
\n Where such credits are insufficient, you will top up the outstanding balance; and
\n Where such credits exceed the outstanding debt such that additional credits remain after all pro-rated\n instalments have been repaid, we will refund the value of such additional credits to you; and
\n Your Account will be updated to reflect the partial refund.
For the avoidance of doubt, we are not obliged to contact or to seek a refund or reversal on your behalf or on\n the behalf of the Participating Merchant and we are not obliged to do anything until the Participating Merchant\n lodges a refund request.
\n\nUpon receipt of a reversal or refund request, we shall, within a reasonable time, process such request and pay\n such refund amount to our payment processor to be processed in line with the payment processor’s\n practices. In this regard, you acknowledge and agree that any refund amount due to be repaid to your nominated\n payment method is subject to handling methods outside our control and you shall not hold us responsible for any\n delays caused directly or indirectly by any financial institution or its agents associated with your nominated\n payment method.
\n\nTerms and Conditions – Adding a bank account on Koko through JustPay
\n\n\n All payments, fees and charges associated with your order placed through Koko shall be deducted from your bank\n account through the payment service \"JustPay\". Your use of \"JustPay\" is conditioned on your acceptance of and\n compliance with the Koko Standard User Terms and Conditions. By accessing or using this payment service you\n agree to accept and be bound by these Standard User Terms and Conditions.\n
\n\nYou shall be solely responsible for any matters relating to tax or additional fees arising from your use of the\n Site as per law, including but not limited to: tax determination; payment of any taxes or fees required by any\n governmental or regulatory authority; and payment of any fees or commission incurred in connection with any\n exchange of monies associated with any order;
\n Representations and warranties
\n We do not make any representation or warranty as to specifics (such as quality, value, saleability, etc) of the\n Products sold by Participating Merchants. We do not implicitly or explicitly support or endorse the sale or\n purchase of any Products from the Participating Merchants. We accept no liability for any errors or omissions,\n whether on behalf of itself or third parties.\n
We are not responsible for any non-performance or breach of any contract entered into between you and the\n Participating Merchants. We cannot and do not guarantee your actions or those of the Participating Merchants. We\n are not required to mediate or resolve any dispute or disagreement arising from transactions between you and any\n Participating Merchant.
\n\nWe do not have any obligations or liabilities in respect of any transaction between you and the Participating\n Merchants.
\n Consumer Status Tier
\n We may assign you, and/or other consumers with a Consumer Status Tier that a consumer is classified into as part\n of a tiered system within the Site, (“Consumer Status Tier”), which is determined in real-time based\n on various factors as we may determine from time to time in our sole discretion, and such Consumer Status Tier\n may influence which may influence, among other things, your Purchase Limit and any other entitled benefits\n relating to your use of the Services. Purchase Limit means the maximum amount of financial exposure or the\n number of concurrent Orders that you are allowed to accumulate for orders made using the Site. Such Purchase\n Limit may factor into account the Consumer Status Tier of the Consumer.\n
Validations, Checks and Risk Assessments
\n\nIn respect of any order, we shall reserve the right to conduct the following checks and assessments:
\n\nReal-time checks and validations on the Participating Merchant’s eligibility, exposure limit, product\n risk and other matters relating to Participating Merchants and the transaction; real-time checks and validations\n on your eligibility;
\n Real-time checks and validations your credentials, devices, relationships with our other consumers and other\n historical data;
\n Purchase Limit assessments based on your Consumer Status Tier, the Order Value, the risks associated with the\n Products in the order and your potential capability to repay the overall debt;
\n And where we are satisfied with the eligibility of both you and the Participating Merchant at the time of making\n the Order, we will create an order associated with you in our Site for the order value provided to us by the\n Participating Merchant.
Placement of Orders
\n\nEach time you make an order, these Terms and Conditions as they stand on the date of placement of the order,\n shall be applicable to such order.
\n For every order you make, you give unconditional and irrevocable consent for us to pay the corresponding order\n value to the Participating Merchant on your behalf, and you agree to pay your Instalments according to the\n repayment schedule.
Upon making of your order, we will advise you of the outcome of such order request:
\n Where the order request is unsuccessful, we will provide you with a reason for the failure and allow you to\n attempt the order again for a maximum number of tries within a period of time as we may determine in our sole\n discretion;
\n Where the order request is successful, we will provide you with your repayment schedule and an email receipt for\n your first Instalment paid (where applicable), and we will notify the Participating Merchant of the successful\n order to request that they fulfil your order.
Rejection or Cancellation of Orders
\n\nAll Orders placed are subject to our assessment and discretion and we reserve the right to reject or cancel an\n order where:
\n We have a reason to suspect, or becomes aware, that you may have or have materially breached these Terms and\n Conditions;
\n You fail to satisfy any of our validations, checks and assessments;
\n Requested by the Participating Merchant associated with the order, and in such case we are not responsible for\n such rejection or cancellation and you should reach out to the Participating Merchant should you have any\n queries relating to it;
\n You have exceeded or will exceed your Purchase Limit;
\n The Participating Merchant associated with the order has exceeded or will exceed its exposure limits;
\n We suspect or becomes aware of suspicious activity from you within our Site which may contravene applicable laws\n and/or regulations including, but not limited to, AML Laws; or
\n We suspect or becomes aware generally that the Participating Merchant and/or their systems have been or may have\n been compromised,
\n Where the Product from the cancelled Order has not been delivered to you, we will, on a best endeavours basis,\n refund the monies paid by you and associated with the cancelled Order to the same nominated payment method.
Instalment Repayments
\n\nYour repayment to us of the order value will be split into such number of separate and equal instalments over a\n specified period of time as shall be determined by us at our sole discretion (“Instalments”).
\n\nWhere the order value cannot be evenly split into such a number of equal Instalments as shall be determined by\n us at our sole discretion, we may adjust the Instalments accordingly and will ensure that the total amount due\n to be paid by you remains unchanged.
\n\nWe will generate a repayment schedule at our discretion and based on your Consumer Status Tier, outstanding\n debts (if any), and track record of previous Orders and Instalment Repayments (“Repayment\n schedule”), and depending on the Repayment Schedule generated, your first Instalment shall be due:
\n At the time of making the order; or
\n At such a later time after the order is made as may be determined by us at our sole discretion.
Where your first Instalment is due at the time of making the order and you are unable to pay the first\n Instalment (whether due to insufficient funds in your Nominated Payment Method, or the transaction is declined\n by the relevant financial institution, or a general failure of the online payment process), we may decline the\n order request.
\n\nWe will remind you in advance of each Instalment and their respective scheduled due dates via email. You\n undertake to ensure that your Nominated Payment Method has sufficient funds to pay the Instalments on their\n respective scheduled due dates.
\n\nIn the event that any Instalment Repayment is unsuccessful due to a failure to obtain funds from your Nominated\n Payment Method, we will advise you accordingly and grant you an immediate grace period to pay such Instalment\n through alternative payment methods nominated by you.
\n\nIf you are unable to pay your Instalments, you shall contact us via email at accounts@paykoko.com to discuss\n and put in place a suitable Repayment Plan.
\n\nIf you fail to pay an Instalment on the scheduled due date and within any accompanying grace period (where\n applicable), and you have not contacted us with respect to a suitable repayment plan, we may impose a late\n payment charge in accordance with the Schedule.
\n\nUpon successful payment of all Instalments relating to an order, we will advise you accordingly and notify you\n of any outstanding debts which you shall owe to us (as a result of late payment charges or otherwise).
\n\nIf you have any complaints regarding your Account, Instalment repayment calculations, outstanding debts, any of\n our staff or any other matter relating to us, please contact us at the details below to raise a formal\n complaint:
\n\nEmail: accounts@paykoko.com
\n Post: Dinnovation (Private) Limited, , 14 Sir Baron Jayatilaka Mawatha, Colombo 00100.
We aim to respond to you within 72 hours of receiving such complaint and to resolve the matter within fourteen\n (14) working days of receiving such complaint, failing which we will notify you of the reason(s) for such delay\n and if any further information or action is required from you, and you agree to provide us with all reasonable\n assistance, including providing any additional information requested of you, to resolve the matter.
\n\nFor the avoidance of doubt, we will not accept any complaints arising out of your incapacity to pay your\n Instalments.
\n\nAdditional acknowledgements
\n\nYou acknowledge that:
\n You are aware that you can access KOKO’s other policies online on the Site, and you have read, understood\n and agreed to these policies as we may publish from time to time;
\n We doe not keep version-controlled copies of these Terms and Conditions and other policies in a publicly\n accessible archive and you are expected to keep a copy of these documents should you wish to keep track of\n them;
\n We do not have any control over the Products offered by Participating Merchants and is not responsible or liable\n for the quality or delivery of these Products, and Participating Merchants remain responsible for fulfilling\n orders made by you in a timely manner and/or accepting any Refunds;
\n You are aware of your consumer rights under Sri Lanka law and that these rights extend to your purchase of\n Products from Participating Merchants, and nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to modify, exclude,\n restrict or deny any of your rights under Sri Lanka law;
\n We are not required to guarantee the identity of any Participating Merchant and/or their staff.
Transfer and assignment
\n\nYou shall not transfer or assign any of its rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions without our\n prior written consent.
\n\nDinnovation may transfer, assign or novate these Terms and Conditions and any rights and obligations under\n these Terms and Conditions to a third party without your consent and/or notice.
\n\nYou acknowledge and agree that we reserve the right to, without your notice or consent, appoint and engage\n third party debt collection agencies to carry out and enforce any actions in relation to any outstanding debt\n owed by you to us.
\n Schedule
Order Creation Charges
\n Consumers shall bear the following costs associated with each Order made:
\n Fees: NIL
\n Charges: NIL
Rescheduling Charges
\n The following rescheduling charges will be applicable if you would like to change the due date of your payment\n schedule prior to the due date.
\n Charges: LKR 500
Late Payment Charges
\n The following Late Payment Charges of LKR 1,500 will be applicable if you fail to pay any Instalment(s) by their\n Scheduled Due Date and any accompanying grace period (where applicable).
\n Charges: LKR 1,500
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\n\n Get instant approval to a spending limit that'll get you\n started off quickly.\n
\n\n Koko is a buy now and pay later app that allows the\n customers to pay in 3 equal instalments over 60 days\n with 0% interest. No admin fees, mark-ups or hidden\n charges!\n
\n \n\n If we are unable to collect payment on the scheduled\n day from the provided card, we will try again in 2\n days and other cards connected to your account will\n also be checked. If the payment is unsuccessful after\n a second attempt, a flat late fee of Rs. 1500 will be\n added to your outstanding balance and will have to be\n paid with the installment due. Missed payments and\n late payment fees will be added to the total of the\n next scheduled payment. To keep you in the loop, we’ll\n send you an email and message notifications if your\n payment was unsuccessful. Please keep in mind if a\n single installment payment remains unpaid you will be\n temporarily suspended from using our payment options\n in the future, till the dues are settled. If dues are\n not paid for a period of four months, the customer\n will be identified as in default and the customer's\n account will be permanently disabled.\n
\n \n\n We would like to inform you that the customer has to\n apply for a refund through the merchant portal. Kindly\n contact the merchant regarding this and request to\n initiate a refund from their end. Once the merchant\n has initiated a Refund, we will process the refund\n amount back to your card (credit or debit) which has\n been used as the payment method. If you have any\n refunds, it will appear in Koko purchases tab under\n the refunded section.\n
\n \n\n To ensure safe spending practices, each new purchase\n is evaluated by our system to determine approval. This\n takes into account many different factors including\n time of day, size of the purchase, and any history\n with Koko. The longer you have been using the in-app\n shopping feature and the more orders you have\n successfully repaid, the more likely you will be able\n to spend more. Restrictions are tighter for ‘new’\n shoppers until we get to know you.\n
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